Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
What Is SEL? A Two-Page Summary This example from a school division in southeastern Virginia provides a quick and accessible look at the 5 SEL competencies, benefits of SEL, and ways school staff support SEL. |
Readiness Considerations for Schoolwide SEL This reflection tool outlines readiness considerations that could benefit a school community embarking on the process of building a schoolwide SEL effort, and can be useful to district leaders preparing to guide a cohort of schools with SEL implementation. Many of these readiness factors can be reinforced over time and/or built while the school community works towards systemic SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
School Climate Improvement: What do Teachers Believe, Need and Want? A research report from the National School Climate Center shows 90% of educators believe that a positive school climate is very important, and educators wanted tools and "roadmaps" for improving school climate. SOURCE: National School Climate Center |
Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time Settings Brief from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Wallace Foundation providing guidelines and considerations for adapting leading SEL programs to out-of-school settings. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
Applying an Equity Lens to Social, Emotional, and Academic Development This issue brief describes 5 major barriers to equitable access to social emotional learning and positive life outcomes, and corresponding opportunities for districts to to dismantle those barriers by approaching SEL in ways that are grounded in equity and justice. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning A benefit-cost analysis of investments in SEL showing that high-quality, research-validated social and emotional learning programs bring a return of $11 for every $1 invested. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
This brief answers the question: What do school staff actually do in the classroom and school to help students achieve the goals laid out in SEL standards? Describes 4 approaches that together form a comprehensive plan. SOURCE: CASEL |
Enacting Social-Emotional Learning: Lessons from “Outlier Schools” in California’s CORE Districts This research brief looks at the commonalities among California middle schools that reported stronger-than-typical social emotional learning outcomes. These 6 characteristics are elaborated into recommendations for school districts supporting SEL at scale. SOURCE: California CORE Districts |
Finding Common Ground: Connecting Social-Emotional Learning During and Beyond the School Day Brief from the Partnership for Children and Youth providing language and strategies to support alignment between schools and expanded learning programs to impact SEL, featuring examples from San Francisco Unified School District. |
Austin's sample process for growing a cohort of SEL leadership schools and expanding the scope of SEL work at each over time. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |