Promoting SEL for all students requires more than a single program or professional learning. Students more deeply internalize SEL when there is systemic coordination of strategies across schools, classrooms, homes, and communities. This focus area helps districts ensure consistent opportunities for SEL, integrate SEL into key priorities, and develop deep family and community partnerships.
Read the definition of full implementation under each item before selecting a rating. A ‘4’ rating indicates that the full definition is met.
1 No planning or implementation | 2 Partially planned and implemented | 3 Mostly planned and implemented | 4 Fully planned and implemented | |
Track progress on student-focused SEL goals and continuously improve practice
The district engages in rapid learning cycles to monitor progress and reflect on disaggregated data to inform real-time change to implementation of strategies for promoting student SEL. These cycles follow established continuous improvement timelines. The district ensures support and tools are provided to school teams for engaging in their own rapid learning cycles around student-focused SEL goals.
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Integrate SEL with a continuum of student supports
When SEL is fully integrated with a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), evidence-based SEL instruction and practices enhance the continuum of academic and behavioral supports that meet the needs of all students.
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Align discipline policies and practices with SEL
The district’s discipline policies and practices emphasize proactive, restorative, and developmentally appropriate approaches that support school climate and address root causes of student behavior. The district supports school staff in implementing the policies and using discipline strategies that promote SEL and relationship-building. To promote an equitable approach to discipline, the district uses disaggregated discipline data to understand the effectiveness of discipline practices, review trends for different student groups, and to intervene on systemic root causes when student groups are disproportionately represented.
Assess Implementation
Develop and strengthen SEL-related community partnerships
The district and their SEL-related community partners intentionally align the language and practices they use to describe and promote SEL. These partnerships ensure that SEL is a priority during the school day and during out-of-school time, and that students and families have access to a broad range of SEL-related community services.
Assess Implementation
Develop and strengthen family partnerships
The district prioritizes positive staff-family relationships and two-way communication with families at the district and school levels. The district offers meaningful opportunities for families to participate and collaborate in SEL activities, so that families understand, experience, inform, and support the SEL development of students in partnership with school and district staff. The district gathers input from families about their preferences and needs. These data are used to improve family partnership strategies.
Assess Implementation
Integrate SEL with academics
The SEL team/lead collaborates with academic departments to integrate and prioritize SEL in academic and instructional frameworks, school leadership and improvement strategies, and the academic departments’ professional learning content. The district is implementing a coordinated and scaffolded professional learning plan to build teachers’ capacity to foster students’ social and emotional knowledge, skills, and attitudes through academic instruction and curriculum content, including support for culturally relevant instructional practices.
Assess Implementation
Adopt and implement evidence-based programs and practices
The district has adopted evidence-based SEL programs and practices that are implemented in all schools and grade levels [See CASEL Program Guide evidence-based programs]. These programs and practices explicitly address students’ SEL competencies and align with the priorities valued by stakeholders and with adopted standards or guidelines. The district provides professional learning to all staff who will implement and support the programs and practices. The district supports schools in engaging families and community partners around programs and practices, and in collecting and using data to monitor implementation and outcomes.
Assess Implementation
Adopt and implement PreK-12 SEL standards or guidelines
Strong SEL standards or guidelines are comprehensive, developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive, and include benchmarks for what all students should know and be able to do from PreK-grade 12. These SEL standards are aligned and integrated with the district’s academic standards and informed by staff, families, and community partners. Ongoing communication and professional learning build district and staff capacity for integrating SEL standards with instruction.
Assess Implementation