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DRC Resources |
The Neuroscience of SEL (Video) 20 minute lecture by Richard Davidson on the neuroscience of emotions and emotional response, and how SEL trains and changes the brain. Best for educating SEL leaders or building buy in with audiences looking for a scientific basis for SEL. SOURCE: Edutopia |
Talkin’ Bout SEL: Building Effective Communications Strategies (PowerPoint) Presentation from Collaborative Communications Group for a workshop on building a district communication plan around SEL, using Austin and Nashville as case studies. SOURCE: Collaborative Communications |
Facilitator guide to accompany slides -- Professional learning session for facilitators of PD to learn how to integrate SEL concepts into learning experiences in objective-driven ways. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Professional learning session for facilitators of PD, to learn how to integrate SEL concepts into learning experiences in objective-driven ways. Part 2 of 2 sessions. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Building Trusting Relationships for School Improvement – Implications for Principals and Teachers This booklet looks at the importance of trust in school improvement, particularly regarding relationships between teachers and between teachers and administrators. It includes case studies in middle and high schools, a review of relevant research, common obstacles to trust, and actionable strategies for strengthening trust. SOURCE: Northwest REL |
This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL provides questions to help the SEL team think intentionally about how to fully partner with OST providers to promote SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Washoe County School District SEL Data Information Site Washoe's data webpage shares their SEL standards, their formal and informal approaches to measuring SEL growth, and rich, easy to read displays of data. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships A framework for creating the right conditions for engagement and designing scaffolded family engagement initiatives that build capacity for both educators and families to partner to support students. Includes 3 school and district case studies. SOURCE: AIR |
Insights from the Caregiver Community: Building Authentic School and Family Partnerships This brief highlights key learnings from CASEL’s pilot SEL Dialogue Series for Caregiver-School Partnerships, which took place at a high school in Chicago, Ill., during Spring, 2022. It hones in on 4 insights towards creating authentic school-family partnerships, each with a corresponding set of recommendations for school leaders. SOURCE: CASEL |
Sample Timeline for Year One SEL Implementation A sample timeline shared with schools in Sacramento to begin building staff momentum around social emotional learning. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |