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DRC Resources |
Video: 7 Tips for Remote Teaching Larry Ferlazzo, a high school teacher in Sacramento City Unified School District, summarizes recommendations that he and other teachers made during an 11 part blog series on distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic for Education Week. SOURCE: Education Week |
How to Teach Social-Emotional Learning When Students Aren’t in School EdWeek speaks with SEL experts about specific strategies to help student maintain social connections, manage stress, and build supportive environments through distance learning. SOURCE: Education Week |
How Innovative Educators are Engaging Students Online Features the creative distance learning strategies of teachers who are focused on art, health & well-being, and relationships. SOURCE: National Education Association |
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus Experts at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network respond to questions about trauma-informed practices to support students during school closure and distance learning. SOURCE: Teaching Tolerance |
School Leaders Say Plan for Remote Teaching. But Take Care of Students First. EdSurge interviews school and district leaders who emphasize that student mental health and wellbeing should be the first priority of distance learning. SOURCE: EdSurge |
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DRC Guidance Pages |