District SEL Expertise:
Professional learning resources, templates, and models for district leaders.
Also, see the resources section for Strengthen Central Office Expertise.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Central Office Expertise Development Plan You can use or adapt this template as a starting point for planning how to develop central office expertise by audience. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Expertise Development Year 1 Plan Austin created 3 professional development outlines for leaders needing different levels of learning about SEL, includes links to videos and presentations and discussion questions for each leader audience. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Strategies and Resources to Support Central Office Expertise There are a range of approaches you may choose to take when designing professional learning to meet the needs of the various groups you identified as stakeholders. In this document you'll find a few approaches and resources. SOURCE: CASEL |
District SEL Best Practices: Cultivating Shared Leadership for Schoolwide SEL A district SEL leader from Austin, TX describes their leadership structure and approach to supporting SEL implementation through district SEL specialists who provide coaching and training for cohorts of school-based SEL leaders who in turn work with an SEL steering committee that is representative of the broader school community. This model has been shown to significantly improve implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Presentation for district and school administrators to connect SEL standards with Common Core and workforce skills and how to implement/monitor district-wide SEL. Includes activities that model SEL and a full presenter script. SOURCE: CASEL |
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Guidance Pages |