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DRC Resources |
Austin ISD SEL 2.0 Logic Model This 1 page logic model includes a primary problem and subproblems to be addressed, activities and outputs, and short and long term outcomes to drive SEL implementation planning. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Making SEL Assessment Work: Ten Practitioner Beliefs The National Practitioner Advisory Group, convened by CASEL and AIR as part of the work of the Assessment Work Group, share a statement of 10 beliefs about assessing SEL, actions to achieve each belief, and reflection questions for leadership teams. SOURCE: Assessment Work Group |
SEL: Best Practices and Barriers to Successful Implementation From Austin Independent School District's Department of Research and Evaluation, this report shares findings from district case studies that underscore the importance of four key themes that influence the quality and sustainability of SEL implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Webinar: Adult SEL and Cultural Competence Dr. Marisha Humphries, Associate Professor in the department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, joined CASEL partners for a webinar to discuss the importance of social and emotional competence for educators, ways to support adults in strengthening SEL skills, and strategies to become more self aware and reflective about our own social identity, culturally informed emotional expression, and social behaviors and how they impact our relationships and our work in education. See the webinar recording and transcript at http://bit.ly/CASELwebinar21820 SOURCE: CASEL |
Personal SEL Reflection (Abridged) This one-page version of the CASEL Personal SEL Assessment and Reflection tool is useful for short professional learning sessions and providing a quick glimpse at the idea of Adult SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Districtwide SEL Action Planning Workbook (APW) Once district leaders have built a shared understanding of SEL, teams can use this workbook to organize priorities and goals and build a robust action plan to guide their work and exploration of the District Resource Center. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL 101: What are the core competencies and key settings? (video) How can you bring social and emotional learning to your community? CASEL's framework for social and emotional learning (SEL) takes a systemic approach, identifying five core competence areas and four key settings. SOURCE: CASEL |
Create an SEL Communication Strategy From the CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL, school-based or district SEL teams can use this tool to plan communications so that all stakeholders are kept abreast of the work and how they can be involved. |
Plan SEL Foundational Learning for your School District This tool can help SEL leaders prepare a broad plan to provide learning experiences for all stakeholders in the school district community, and access resources to support foundational learning about SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Districts in Action – Promote SEL for Students This brief spotlights SEL leaders in California, Virginia, and Texas as they share their stories about how their approach to promoting SEL for students took shape and integrated with stakeholder needs related to inclusion, discipline, and tiered supports. SOURCE: CASEL |