Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
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DRC Resources |
Partnering with School Boards to Promote SEL Successful districtwide SEL implementation engages board members as partners in the process. This tool includes five considerations for creating robust district and school board partnerships. SOURCE: CASEL |
Investing in our Future: Ensuring Student Access to Social and Emotional Learning is a 75-minute webinar on funding SEL featuring, federal, state, and district perspectives. View the webinar at or download the slides below. SOURCE: CASEL |
Districtwide SEL Essentials for Superintendents In collaboration with AASA, the School Superintendents Association, CASEL has released a toolkit with curated content from the District Resource Center which features ten high-leverage superintendent actions to promote systemic SEL. |
SEL: What Young People Need to Succeed in School, at Work, and in Life This designed 2 page infographic can serve as a template for your district's communications about SEL. SOURCE: Collaborative Communications |
This toolkit is designed to help schools and districts leverage social media channels to amplify SEL messages, and includes sample Facebook and Twitter posts, calendars to help schedule posts, and shareable graphics. SOURCE: Collaborative Communications |
A series of video modules for use in PLCs, staff meetings, professional learning, or individual reflection. Contains suggested activities and practices to support educators in their well-being, emotional state, and stress while supporting students. SOURCE: Transforming Education |
SEL Dallas Implementation Guidebook A collaboration between Dallas Independent School District and out-of-school-time partners, this site provides a model for partnership building, laying out a clear process, key roles, and best practices for strengthening partnerships between school districts and youth-serving organizations to promote and align SEL practices. SOURCE: SEL Dallas |
Districtwide SEL Implementation Rubric This rubric helps districts answer the question “Where are we now?” in relation to systemic SEL implementation. CASEL recommends that districts complete this rubric at the beginning and end of each school year to mark progress and update their action plan for the coming year. SOURCE: CASEL |
Sample Schoolwide SEL 101 Presentation (Spanish) Slides and presenter notes are in Spanish -- This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. SOURCE: CASEL |
Personal SEL Reflection (Spanish) Los directores, administradores, miembros del equipo de SEL y miembros del personal pueden usarla para evaluar sus fortalezas personales y pensar en cómo pueden modelar esas fortalezas cuando interactúan con otros. SOURCE: CASEL |