SEL Leadership:
Can refer to district level staff whose position is entirely or in part focused on SEL, school-level SEL teams or individuals, or committees of stakeholders who have power to make decisions and direct SEL work.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
The Tennessee DOE's training modules include powerpoint presentations, facilitator guides, and handouts on student-centered discipline, teacher language, cooperative learning, classroom discussions, and balanced instruction. SOURCE: Tennessee DOE |
Reducing Disproportionate Discipline Referrals with Positive School Wide Engagement Plans Minneapolis Public Schools conducted a review of SEL-related strategies within schools' Positive Schoolwide Engagement Plans, which is a requirement of all schools that is part of the district's agreement with the Office of Civil Rights to reduce racial disproportionality in school discipline. SOURCE: Minneapolis Public Schools |
Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time Settings Brief from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Wallace Foundation providing guidelines and considerations for adapting leading SEL programs to out-of-school settings. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
3 Signature Practices in the Classroom One-pager handout summarizing the 3 Signature SEL Practices, examples of each, and alignment with SEL competencies and school priorities. SOURCE: CASEL |
Central Office Expertise Development Plan You can use or adapt this template as a starting point for planning how to develop central office expertise by audience. SOURCE: CASEL |
Strategies and Resources to Support Central Office Expertise There are a range of approaches you may choose to take when designing professional learning to meet the needs of the various groups you identified as stakeholders. In this document you'll find a few approaches and resources. SOURCE: CASEL |
Metro Nashville Public Schools Organizational Structure See page 13 of MNPS' organizational chart, showing how SEL is situated within the Office of Student Services and School Operations, alongside extended learning, student health, counseling, and discipline teams. The SEL team also encompasses restorative practices. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Dallas PreK-Adult Social and Emotional Learning Standards Dallas' SEL standards build from CASEL's 5 core competencies. SOURCE: Dallas Independent School District |
These eleven vignette-style case studies share how educators may embed SEL into instruction and other interactions with students. The included reflection guide makes this a ready-to-use tool for individual, small, or large group professional learning. SOURCE: Transforming Education |
Newsletter Archive: February 2020 Registered users of the District Resource Center and the Guide to Schoolwide SEL receive quarterly newsletters from CASEL with featured tools and learning opportunities. This issue focuses on the role that school and district leaders play in the success of SEL. |