Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Washoe County School District 4 Fundamentals A summarized view of the district vision (curriculum & instruction, inclusive practice, climate & engagement, and multi-tiered systems of support). SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Chicago Public Schools Three-Year Vision Chicago's vision and plan integrates SEL throughout its priorities, highlighted best in the section on safe and supportive learning environments. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
CASEL District Strength Inventory of Social Emotional Learning Programs and Practices Please use this inventory tool as a starting point for assessing current strengths and using them to map and plan the district’s system-wide implementation of SEL. This inventory tool aligns with CASEL’s Theory of Action for CDI and the CDI Rubric Assessment. SOURCE: CASEL |
How Do Principals Influence Student Achievement? This research brief from the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research shows that administrators who successfully move the needle on student achievement most often do so through the lever of school climate and staff collaboration. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
Results of this study show that collective efficacy impact teachers' job satisfaction and emotions, which in turn impacts the learning environment, student motivation and well-being, and students’ ability to cope with difficulty SOURCE: Research Journal |
Adapting for my context organizer An activity-rich, fully bilingual 45 minute presentation to introduce the larger school community to SEL. Includes slides, a detailed facilitator guide, and a planning template for adapting the presentation. SOURCE: CASEL |
Facilitator notes for activities An activity-rich, fully bilingual 45 minute presentation to introduce the larger school community to SEL. Includes slides, a detailed facilitator guide, and a planning template for adapting the presentation. |
Sacramento City Unified School District Strategic Plan Sac City's strategic plan integrates SEL and equity objectives throughout and is built around goals of college and career readiness, safety and emotional health, and family and community empowerment. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Boston Public Schools Office of Social Emotional Learning & Wellness brochure Boston's Office of Social Emotional Learning and Wellness (SELWell) is a collaborative department including athletics, health services, health and wellness, behavioral health, and other student support services alongside social and emotional learning instruction. SOURCE: Boston Public Schools |
Boston's Office of Social Emotional Learning & Wellness (SELWell) is made up of a range of departments that work together to improve the social, emotional, and physical health and wellness of all students. This menu includes a snapshot of each contributing team and their services organized by tier. SOURCE: Boston Public Schools |