Family and Community Engagement

“Family and community engagement comprises parents (broadly defined to refer to a child’s or youth’s primary caregiver) and youth-service providers, school staff, and community members working together to actively support and improve the academic achievement, social and behavioral development, and health of children, adolescents, and young adults.” (

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DRC Documents

Classroom SEL Message Map

This example comes from a school division in southeastern Virginia. These key messages and supporting points can be used by classroom teachers to describe how and why they integrate SEL into their classroom, or can be shared as a summary with classroom teachers as the basis for staff discussion.

TAGS teacher tool communications family and community engagement

Practices of Promise: Exploring Ways to Share the Power Toward Equitable Decision-Making in Portland Public Schools

How can a school district select an SEL program that aligns with its commitment to equity and social justice through an inclusive process that also demonstrates and deepens that commitment? This brief describes Portland's approach that brought many voices to the table, shared decision-making power, built trust, and centered the district's equity work.


TAGS evidence-based programs family and community engagement youth voice

Districts in Action – Promote SEL for Students

This brief spotlights SEL leaders in California, Virginia, and Texas as they share their stories about how their approach to promoting SEL for students took shape and integrated with stakeholder needs related to inclusion, discipline, and tiered supports.


TAGS restorative practices MTSS family and community engagement

Plan SEL Foundational Learning for your School District

This tool can help SEL leaders prepare a broad plan to provide learning experiences for all stakeholders in the school district community, and access resources to support foundational learning about SEL.


TAGS teacher training professional learning family and community engagement



Leading with SEL Advocacy Tools

This site provides resources for SEL advocates, including toolkits for parents and school board members. There is guidance for conversations, communications, engaging media outlets, and reaching out to policymakers.


TAGS parenting family partnerships reading lists - parents parent leadership building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

Sample Schoolwide SEL 101 Presentation (Spanish)

Slides and presenter notes are in Spanish -- This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners.


TAGS spanish language resources family and community engagement

Practices of Promise: Selecting Evidence-Based Programs Through Meaningful Partnerships

Peek into El Paso Independent School District's process for engaging staff, families, and communities in examining and selecting evidence-based SEL programs that align with their school communities’ needs and districtwide vision.


TAGS evidence-based programs family and community engagement

Portrait of a Graduate – Framing a Vision for your School System

Battelle for Kids has built out a design process with examples and supporting materials for bringing together stakeholders to co-create a Portrait of a Graduate, i.e. the community's goals for its students.

SOURCE: Battelle for Kids

TAGS building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

School Climate Survey for Families

Sacramento City Unified School District used this 2 page survey to gather family members' perspectives about school culture, equity, and the quality of interactions with school staff. It has been translated into 5 other languages at

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS family partnerships community relations culture and climate family and community engagement

Teacher Interview: How do Families Respond to SEL? (video)

A 5th grade teacher from Anchorage speaks about how she introduces SEL to families, has students share their learning with their families, and hears feedback from families about how they see the impact of SEL at home.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS videos SEL partnerships teacher training building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

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