Job Descriptions

1-10 of 12 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

SEL Coaching Coordinator Support Roles

T chart describing what El Paso's SEL coaches do and don't do as they support schools with SEL implementation.

SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions implementation support SEL coaching for staff human and financial resource alignment

Cleveland Teachers Union Agreement

See article 15, sections 19-24 (beginning on page 70) to see provisions regarding the role of the district’s HumanWare/Social Emotional Learning Committee, the use of Classroom Meetings, and more.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS board policies job descriptions staff onboarding human and financial resource alignment

Research Analyst Job Description

Job description for a data analyst who can assist an SEL team by developing evaluation designs, managing and overseeing data collection and analysis, and reporting evaluation results.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices human and financial resource alignment continuous improvement implementation evaluation

SEL Specialist Job Description

Job description for Austin's SEL specialists

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership

SEL Coach Job Description

Job description for Austin's SEL coaches

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support SEL coaching for staff human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership

SEL Mindfulness Coach Job Description

Job description for Austin's mindfulness coach

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support mindfulness SEL coaching for staff human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership

SEL Assistant Director Job Description

Job description for Austin's assistant director of SEL, managing planning, implementation, and supervision of the SEL department coaches.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership

Director of SEL and MTSS Job Description

Job description and required exprience and knowledge for Director of SEL and MTSS, who leads a large SEL team and liaises with other departments and outside partners.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership

SEL Coordinator Job Description

Job description and requirements for an SEL Coordinator role that works closely with the Department of Teaching and Learning.

SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership



Assistant Superintendent of SEL Job Description

Job description for Assistant Superintendent of SEL and Wellness, which also oversees a range of student support services including health and counseling.

SOURCE: Boston Public Schools

TAGS job descriptions hiring practices implementation support human and financial resource alignment SEL leadership


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