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DRC Resources |
Ideas and Tools for Working with Parents and Families Packet describing benefits and strategies for school-family partnerships in developing social and emotional skills; includes handouts for families and overviews of SEL programs that incorporate activities for families. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (English) Video describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (Spanish) Video in Spanish describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (Spanish) Video in Spanish describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (English) Video describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
Montana's site focused on parenting and SEL, with tools to address challenges parents mention most. Age-specific tools guide parents through a process of seeking their child's input, interactive modeling, practice, support, and reinforcement. SOURCE: Montana's Department of Public Health and Human Services |
SEL Dialogue Series for Parents and Caregivers 10 facilitated discussions to engage families in conversations about the social and emotional growth of their families and share perspectives and feedback with school leaders. This updated set of materials includes a participant workbook, surveys, and presenter slides (all in both English and Spanish) and materials to support series coordination -- all are free to access after registration. SOURCE: CASEL |
Leading with SEL Advocacy Tools This site provides resources for SEL advocates, including toolkits for parents and school board members. There is guidance for conversations, communications, engaging media outlets, and reaching out to policymakers. SOURCE: CASEL |
Book Chapter: Social Emotional Learning: Past, Present and Future Chapter by Weissberg, Durlak, Domitrovich, and Gullotta that provides a framework and evidence base for SEL and also important factors for quality implementation. reading lists – staff... SOURCE: CASEL |
Austin Independent School District SEL Newsletter Samples of a bilingual newsletter distributed by the SEL department in Austin, including a school spotlight, featured SEL strategy, and family resources. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |