Out of School:
“A supervised program that young people regularly attend when school is not in session. This can include before- and after- school programs on a school campus or facilities such as academic programs (e.g., reading or math focused programs), specialty programs (e.g., sports teams, STEM, arts enrichment), and multipurpose programs that provide an array of activities.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Social and Emotional Learning in the Daily Life of Classrooms Facilitator guide and materials for a 6 hour session aimed at state and district leaders, outlining ways to integrate an SEL emphasis into policy and planning, draw connections between SEL and instructional priorities, and support school leaders to guide teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices and SEL competencies. SOURCE: AIR |
El Paso SEL Implementation Report This report on El Paso's first year of SEL implementation answers the questions: How was SEL capacity built? How has SEL impacted climate and perception? How has SEL impacted discipline and attendance? and How do school stakeholders view their implementation success? SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
Chicago Public Schools' Restorative Re-entry Toolkit outlines how schools can welcome and support students returning to school after a serious incident or extended absence. Includes conversation protocols, sample communications, and a template for an individualized re-entry plan. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Chicago Public Schools Student Voice Committees Student Voice Committees (SVCs) are designed to form crucial student-adult partnerships to help address the issues schools and students are facing. Through engaging students in the decision making process, SVCs seek to improve school culture and climate and develop youth leadership skills. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Peer Conferencing Class Teaches How to Resolve Conflict This article from the Chicago Public Schools blog describes a high school course where students learn to resolve conflict through restorative practices and provide an additional option for responding to disciplinary incidents. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Families as Partners (FAP) is an Austin ISD initiative funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation with the goal of creating sustainable and effective school-family partnerships for academic success. The initiative is grounded in the principle that authentic engagement flourishes when families and faculty build trusting relationships and see each other as equal partners. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Presentation to the Austin ISD Board CASEL and district SEL leaders co-led this three hour experiential session with the Board to strengthen and formalize support for SEL. Facilitator notes include a link to presentation slides. SOURCE: CASEL |
What is Social and Emotional Learning? (video) From CASEL and school district leadership, this video conceptualizes social and emotional learning and describes what it looks, feels and sounds like in educational spaces. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Implementation Guide from Austin ISD In this resource, Austin Independent School District shares an overview of their SEL story, the results they have seen, and tips learned along the way. This presents a detailed and successful model to share with district leaders who are preparing an implementation plan or just beginning to consider investing in SEL. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
SEL: Best Practices and Barriers to Successful Implementation From Austin Independent School District's Department of Research and Evaluation, this report shares findings from district case studies that underscore the importance of four key themes that influence the quality and sustainability of SEL implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |