Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
Title | Document Type | |||||
DRC Resources |
SEL Communications Toolkit for School and District Leaders Extensive focus groups and surveys have shown that the more people know about SEL, the more supportive they become. This toolkit shares five clear actions for a proactive communications strategy for SEL, including examples of effective messages, cautions, and guidance for developing your own materials. SOURCE: CASEL |
Academic SEL and Mathematics Curriculum Materials From the University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center, this brief tool can help determine to what degree your district's math instructional materials and educator practices integrate SEL competencies. While focused on math, much can be applied to other core subjects. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
A Case for School Connectedness Short article from Educational Leadership describing the impact of strong school connectedness on academic achievement, behavior, absenteeism, and school completion, as well as and practices that enhance it. SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter |
Navigating Uncertain Times: How Schools Can Cope with Coronavirus EdSurge's collection of news, resources, and expert advice to help educators and school leaders make informed decisions about supporting learning during school closures. SOURCE: EdSurge |
Training Educators to Understand the Needs of English Learners PreK-12 White paper about educator training in English to Speakers of Other Languages, Touches on building on students' cultural background and experiences and the impact of teacher biases toward students learning English. SOURCE: ESOL in Higher Ed |
Executive summary of a report on California's long-term English Language Learners and recommendations for better supporting students at the secondary level who have not reached English proficiency. SOURCE: External website |
Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships A framework for creating the right conditions for engagement and designing scaffolded family engagement initiatives that build capacity for both educators and families to partner to support students. Includes 3 school and district case studies. SOURCE: AIR |
SEL Inventory – Elementary Interview This interview protocol was used by evaluators at elementary school sites in Sacramento City to gather baseline data on the implementation of SEL programs and practices. Includes handouts that were provided to interviewees. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
SEL Inventory – Secondary Interview This interview protocol was used by evaluators at secondary school sites in Sacramento City to gather baseline data on the implementation of SEL programs and practices. Includes handouts that were provided to interviewees. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Oakland SEL Competencies Posters for Classrooms This poster set illustrating the 5 SEL competencies were distributed by Oakland's team to all schools, along with suggested activities for introducing each poster/concept to a classroom community. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |