Restorative Practices:
“An emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. The purpose of restorative practices is to build healthy communities, increase social capital, decrease crime and antisocial behavior, repair harm and restore relationships.” (Reference: International Institute of Restorative Practices)
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DRC Resources |
Enacting Social-Emotional Learning: Lessons from “Outlier Schools” in California’s CORE Districts This research brief looks at the commonalities among California middle schools that reported stronger-than-typical social emotional learning outcomes. These 6 characteristics are elaborated into recommendations for school districts supporting SEL at scale. SOURCE: California CORE Districts |
Suspending Chicago’s Students – Differences in Discipline Practices across Schools This report from the University of Chicago provides an example of how to analyze district discipline data to pinpoint factors that lead to inequity. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
Convening a Cross-Functional Advisory Council for SEL: Resources, Best Practices, and Suggestions Key considerations for districts as they build a council consisting of members from different organizations and departments to align social and emotional learning between in-school and out-of-school time settings. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL: Best Practices and Barriers to Successful Implementation From Austin Independent School District's Department of Research and Evaluation, this report shares findings from district case studies that underscore the importance of four key themes that influence the quality and sustainability of SEL implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
District SEL Best Practices: Cultivating Shared Leadership for Schoolwide SEL A district SEL leader from Austin, TX describes their leadership structure and approach to supporting SEL implementation through district SEL specialists who provide coaching and training for cohorts of school-based SEL leaders who in turn work with an SEL steering committee that is representative of the broader school community. This model has been shown to significantly improve implementation. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
District SEL Best Practices: Adult Well-being and Equity A district leader from Tulsa Public Schools describes the district's equity framework, their monthly school leader learning institutes focused on well-being, school-based wellness teams, and the ways in which the district's equity and wellness work are interrelated. SOURCE: Tulsa Public Schools |
Practices of Promise: Selecting Evidence-Based Programs Through Meaningful Partnerships Peek into El Paso Independent School District's process for engaging staff, families, and communities in examining and selecting evidence-based SEL programs that align with their school communities’ needs and districtwide vision. SOURCE: CASEL |
Practices of Promise: Youth Voice in Washoe County School District, Nevada This case example offers a glimpse into WCSD’s process of creating structures to elevate and listen to students, before and through the pandemic. SOURCE: CASEL |
How can a school district select an SEL program that aligns with its commitment to equity and social justice through an inclusive process that also demonstrates and deepens that commitment? This brief describes Portland's approach that brought many voices to the table, shared decision-making power, built trust, and centered the district's equity work. SOURCE: CASEL |
Oregon’s Recommended Criteria for Adoption of Transformative SEL Materials and Practices As you work with your community to develop unique, local criteria for selecting an evidence-based program, the Oregon Department of Education's recommendations can provide a model, especially when a commitment to equity and culturally responsive pedagogy are at the forefront. SOURCE: Oregon DOE |