SEL Leadership:
Can refer to district level staff whose position is entirely or in part focused on SEL, school-level SEL teams or individuals, or committees of stakeholders who have power to make decisions and direct SEL work.
Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
Making SEL Assessment Work: Ten Practitioner Beliefs The National Practitioner Advisory Group, convened by CASEL and AIR as part of the work of the Assessment Work Group, share a statement of 10 beliefs about assessing SEL, actions to achieve each belief, and reflection questions for leadership teams. SOURCE: Assessment Work Group |
Leading with SEL Advocacy Tools This site provides resources for SEL advocates, including toolkits for parents and school board members. There is guidance for conversations, communications, engaging media outlets, and reaching out to policymakers. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Toolkit for Parent Champions A quick guide for parents and caregivers to share accurate information in support of SEL, including tools to ground conversations in facts and data, dispel misinformation, and advocate for high-quality SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Sacramento City Strategic Plan and Core Values Sacramento's strategic plan prominently features and integrates equity and social emotional health throughout and states clear actions and proposed services. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Austin Independent School District SEL Newsletter Samples of a bilingual newsletter distributed by the SEL department in Austin, including a school spotlight, featured SEL strategy, and family resources. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
SEL Department and Specialist Logic Model to Improve District SEL Implementation Describes the purpose, goals, and activities of Austin's SEL Specialists -- good tool for a district team that is lobbying for the creation of new SEL-focused positions. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Extensive report including recommendations for adapting SEL for OST settings, summary tables and profiles for 25 programs, and a Quick Reference to find programs with emphasis on specific skill areas or strategies. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
SEL Dialogue Series for Parents and Caregivers 10 facilitated discussions to engage families in conversations about the social and emotional growth of their families and share perspectives and feedback with school leaders. This updated set of materials includes a participant workbook, surveys, and presenter slides (all in both English and Spanish) and materials to support series coordination -- all are free to access after registration. SOURCE: CASEL |
Serie de Diálogo de SEL para Padres y Cuidadores 10 sesiones de diálogo para involucrar a las familias en conversaciones sobre el crecimiento social y emocional de sus familias y compartir perspectivas y comentarios con los líderes escolares. Este conjunto de materiales incluye un libro de trabajo para los participantes, encuestas y diapositivas del presentador (todo en inglés y español) y materiales para apoyar la coordinación de la serie; todos son de acceso gratuito después del registro. SOURCE: CASEL |
District SEL Best Practices: Adult Well-being and Equity A district leader from Tulsa Public Schools describes the district's equity framework, their monthly school leader learning institutes focused on well-being, school-based wellness teams, and the ways in which the district's equity and wellness work are interrelated. SOURCE: Tulsa Public Schools |