The process of selecting what will be measured to assess the progress or effectiveness of SEL initiatives. Metrics may be direct evidence of SEL gains or quality implementation (e.g. student SEL competency assessments, data from walkthrough rubrics, staff interviews or self-assessments) or indirect factors that may provide relevant information about the impact of SEL (e.g. GPA, chronic absenteeism, disciplinary rates, graduation rates).
See also: student assessment, assessment
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Documents |
Baltimore City Public Schools SEL Evaluation Framework Developed with evaluation partner Hanover Research, this document provides a framework for the evaluation of Baltimore's social and emotional learning programming. SOURCE: Baltimore City Public Schools |
Develop a Long-term SEL Implementation Roadmap This tool provides a template and step-by-step instructions to help district SEL teams develop a three to five-year roadmap for SEL implementation to achieve the district’s long-term SEL goals and shared vision. SOURCE: CASEL |
Develop Annual Goals and Action Plan for SEL This tool is designed to help district SEL teams develop goals and an action plan for a single year of districtwide SEL implementation. It builds on a district's shared vision, long-term SEL goals, and SEL implementation roadmap. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Trends: Using Data for Improvement CASEL profiles Austin ISD, El Paso ISD, Nashville Metropolitan School District, and Washoe County School District, about how district leaders in SEL and research have worked together to use data to improve implementation of their SEL strategies. Includes links to artifacts and research reports from the districts. SOURCE: CASEL |
Making SEL Assessment Work: Ten Practitioner Beliefs The National Practitioner Advisory Group, convened by CASEL and AIR as part of the work of the Assessment Work Group, share a statement of 10 beliefs about assessing SEL, actions to achieve each belief, and reflection questions for leadership teams. SOURCE: Assessment Work Group |
The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning (video) The research is clear: SEL is essential for academic and life success. In this video, district and CASEL leadership highlight data that demonstrates improvements in attendance, drop out rates, suspensions, expulsions, and academic growth. SOURCE: CASEL |
El Paso SEL Implementation Report This report on El Paso's first year of SEL implementation answers the questions: How was SEL capacity built? How has SEL impacted climate and perception? How has SEL impacted discipline and attendance? and How do school stakeholders view their implementation success? SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
Chicago School Climate Standards and Self-Assessment The Chicago Public Schools' School Climate Standards includes 17 key indicators organized into four domains: School-wide Environment and Leadership, Physical and Emotional Safety, Relational Trust, and Teaching and Learning. This document also includes a self-assessment to support school-level continuous improvement and resources to include student voice assessing school climate. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Track Your School’s Progress Toward Implementing Schoolwide SEL Part of CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL, this page includes a rubric and planner, a walkthrough protocol to look for signs of high-quality implementation, and a staff survey to gather staff perceptions to inform decisions and next steps. SOURCE: CASEL |
Develop Long-Term Goals for Districtwide SEL This tool explains how to set long-term SMARTIE-style goals for districtwide SEL implementation. Provides guidelines to get the committee started, step-by-step instructions for defining goals that reflect the district's shared vision, and examples. SOURCE: CASEL |