Define SEL Metrics

The process of selecting what will be measured to assess the progress or effectiveness of SEL initiatives. Metrics may be direct evidence of SEL gains or quality implementation (e.g. student SEL competency assessments, data from walkthrough rubrics, staff interviews or self-assessments) or indirect factors that may provide relevant information about the impact of SEL (e.g. GPA, chronic absenteeism, disciplinary rates, graduation rates).

See also: student assessment, assessment

11-20 of 30 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Oakland Academic Social Emotional Learning Guidance Document

Oakland's guidance document for school leaders describes the district's mission, vision, and tools for measuring success and describes how SEL is part of instructional priorities and multi-tiered systems of support.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english language learners define SEL metrics CCSS equity culturally responsive continuous improvement instructional practices culture and climate MTSS integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise SEL leadership

Washoe County School District SEL Data Information Site

Washoe's data webpage shares their SEL standards, their formal and informal approaches to measuring SEL growth, and rich, easy to read displays of data.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS student assessment SEL standards define SEL metrics SEL overview communications data dashboards conducting local SEL research building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

Cleveland’s Conditions for Districtwide Learning Summary Report

Cleveland's district-level report on the Conditions for Learning Survey, broken down by grade level, race, language, disability, and sex.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics equity assessment data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement PK-12 culture and climate planning youth voice

School and Classroom Walkthrough Rubric (Nashville)

Nashville's clear, succinct yet detailed rubric collects data on schoolwide environment, community gatherings, classroom instruction, classroom environment & discipline in order to provide rich, actionable feedback to schools.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS implementation support define SEL metrics assessment school visit/observation tool data dashboards conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation monitoring implementation evaluation



Data Sources to Analyze SEL Implementation and Outcomes

Use this tool as you consider what kind of data you will need and find data sources you can use to assess progress toward your SEL goals.


TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation

On the Road to Collecting SEL Data

This presentation from Keeneyville School District describes their timeline of districtwide SEL implementation, the development of their walk-through protocol, and the way observaton data has been shared and used to drive improvement.

SOURCE: Keeneyville School District 20

TAGS define SEL metrics assessment school visit/observation tool conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation

Minnesota DOE SEL Assessment Guidance

An example of state guidance for districts on the purpose, methods, considerations, reporting, and using the results of SEL assessments for continuous improvement.

SOURCE: Minnesota DOE

TAGS student assessment board policies define SEL metrics assessment integrate with district priorities

U.S. DOE School Climate Surveys and web-based platform

This adaptable survey and web-based platforms allows states and districts to collect and act on validated school climate data in real time, and can be downloaded and administered at no cost.

SOURCE: United States DOE

TAGS toolkit define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation culture and climate

Encouraging Social and Emotional Learning in the Context of New Accountability

A paper from the Learning Policy Institute on how SEL and school climate indicators can be included in accountability and improvement systems under ESSA. Appendix includes survey tools from districts and states.

SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute

TAGS define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research continuous improvement implementation evaluation

SEL-Related Metrics

Nashville's combination of student surveys (Tripod and Safe & Supportive Schools), other data collected by schools and the district, and observable measures of SEL and climate.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS student assessment define SEL metrics assessment conducting local SEL research implementation evaluation


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