“A supervised program that young people regularly attend when school is not in session. This can include before- and after- school programs on a school campus or facilities such as academic programs (e.g., reading or math focused programs), specialty programs (e.g., sports teams, STEM, arts enrichment), and multipurpose programs that provide an array of activities.” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
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DRC Documents |
This report outlines lessons from six communities that have focused on SEL partnerships between schools and out-of-school time community partner organizations. Detailed case examples feature collaborative projects on a variety of SEL topics in Boston, Dallas, Denver, Palm Beach County, Tacoma, and Tulsa. SOURCE: RAND |
9 Tips to Boost SEL in Schools and OST Programs This infographic is a supplement to the full report and case examples that can be found at wallacefoundation.org/PSELI SOURCE: RAND |
This report details the study of partnerships between schools and out of school time partners working together to implement SEL in a coordinated way, organizing lessons learned into 4 main categories: system-level launch activities, developing partnerships, developing adults' capacity to promote SEL, and improving climate and delivering SEL instruction. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Out of School Time version Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in before and after school settings. SOURCE: CASEL |
Convening a Cross-Functional Advisory Council for SEL: Resources, Best Practices, and Suggestions Key considerations for districts as they build a council consisting of members from different organizations and departments to align social and emotional learning between in-school and out-of-school time settings. SOURCE: CASEL |
Relate 918 – Tulsa’s Partnership with The Opportunity Project Relate 918 is a joint initiative of Tulsa Public Schools and The Opportunity Project to build life skills for students both during and after school. The Opportunity Project is Tulsa's expanded learning partner. SOURCE: Tulsa Public Schools |
Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time Settings Brief from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Wallace Foundation providing guidelines and considerations for adapting leading SEL programs to out-of-school settings. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (Spanish) Video in Spanish describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (English) Video describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Learning in Practice: Toolkit of Practical Strategies and Resources Ideal for OST programs, includes tools for equipping staff to teach SEL, creating the learning environment, designing impactful learning experiences, and using data for improvement. Special attention is paid to culturally responsive design. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |