Resources for connecting social and emotional learning with the Common Core State Standards.

11-17 of 17 Results
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DRC Documents

7th grade SEL/CCSS Integration Activities

Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies SEL standards lesson planning teacher tool CCSS middle school grades instructional practices classroom level



8th grade SEL/CCSS Integration Activities

Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies SEL standards lesson planning teacher tool CCSS middle school grades instructional practices classroom level



Integrating Social and Emotional Learning and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

A brief from the University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center outlines how the CCSS for Mathematical Practice and SEL are inextricably linked, and includes an appendix that crosswalks the standards with SEL competencies.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration math reading lists - staff SEL competence CCSS instructional practices integrate with district priorities building buy-in for SEL

Sample SEL Integrated Lesson Plans for each Grade Band

Sample lesson plans from a variety of grade levels and subject areas that integrate SEL through instructional practices, discussion prompts, student reflection, and routines for interaction.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration Science english/language arts math social studies lesson planning teacher tool toolkit CCSS teacher training PK-12 instructional practices youth voice



How a District Integrates SEL With Academics (Nashville)

Edutopia's collection of articles and video featuring how SEL has taken root over time in Nashville, with a focus on integrating SEL into daily classroom practices and supporting implementation.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration trauma implementation support videos reading lists - staff CCSS model SEL schools instructional practices classroom level integrate with district priorities building buy-in for SEL

How to Integrate Social-Emotional Learning into Common Core

Brief article describes how SEL goals are implicitly woven into the Common Core Standards, with several specific examples from math and ELA. Useful for teacher/administrator audiences.

SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english/language arts math SEL standards mindfulness lesson planning social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making reading lists - staff CCSS instructional practices integrate with district priorities building buy-in for SEL

Mapping SEL to Common Core

Four clear ways that SEL standards complement Common Core standards.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL competence CCSS integrate with district priorities

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