
Resources for communicating about SEL with a range of stakeholder groups.

Also, see the resources section for Communicate SEL as a Shared District Priority.

21-30 of 52 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Marcus Garvey Elementary: Exemplary Supportive School

Chicago Public Schools recognizes schools for systemic SEL implementation through a Supportive Schools Certification process. Marcus Garvey Elementary is one of the schools that has earned the highest certification level, and this video illustrates the ways SEL has been integrated into systems and practices.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS videos model SEL schools communications

Social Emotional Learning in Action at Dallas ISD schools (video)

Three schools in Dallas share how they practice Social Emotional Learning in their campuses.

SOURCE: Dallas Independent School District

TAGS videos communications

It’s Time to Go All-In on Social and Emotional Learning

Dr. Meria Carstarphen, superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools, writes this opinion piece on the importance of prioritizing SEL districtwide and its impact on key metrics.

SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools

TAGS communications SEL leadership

Atlanta Public Schools SEL video library

A collection of videos shared on Atlanta's SEL landing page featuring student voices, representing a range of ages.

SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools

TAGS videos communications

Boston Public Schools Office of Social Emotional Learning & Wellness brochure

Boston's Office of Social Emotional Learning and Wellness (SELWell) is a collaborative department including athletics, health services, health and wellness, behavioral health, and other student support services alongside social and emotional learning instruction.

SOURCE: Boston Public Schools

TAGS SEL partnerships communications

Oakland SEL Competencies Posters for Classrooms (Spanish)

This poster set illustrating the 5 SEL competencies were distributed by Oakland's team to all schools, along with suggested activities for introducing each poster/concept to a classroom community.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS teacher tool social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence SEL overview advisory/homeroom communications classroom level

Inside Chicago Public Schools: SEL at Marcus Garvey Elementary (video)

Video featuring Marcus Garvey Elementary, a K-8 school in Chicago that has been using SEL schoolwide for many years. Includes interviews with a student and teachers at 3 grade levels.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS videos model SEL schools middle school grades elementary school grades communications culture and climate building buy-in for SEL youth voice

Austin ISD: Social and Emotional Learning Creates a Foundation for Success (Video)

This video from Austin shows SEL lessons taking place in a range of elementary classrooms and shares the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, and district staff on the benefits of SEL.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS videos SEL overview model SEL schools elementary school grades communications family and community engagement

Emotional Intelligence: A Factor in Student Success (Video in Spanish)

Univison segment featuring preschool students and their families in a Sacramento school, and how SEL has supported their transition.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS mental health videos spanish language resources communications family and community engagement

5 Keys to Social and Emotional Learning Success (video)

Edutopia video that provides an overview of the 5 SEL competency framework and features a school in Oakland.

SOURCE: Edutopia

TAGS videos SEL competence SEL overview communications building buy-in for SEL

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