
Resources for communicating about SEL with a range of stakeholder groups.

Also, see the resources section for Communicate SEL as a Shared District Priority.

41-50 of 53 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Sample Fundraising Event Invite with Multiple Hosts

Poster created for a fundraising event in Sacramento

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS SEL partnerships fundraising human and financial resource alignment communications

Outline for Fundraising Meeting Presentation

Provides insight into the planning of the agenda for a fundraising event.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL partnerships fundraising human and financial resource alignment communications



Sample Fundraising Event Invite with Multiple Outside Experts

Poster created for a fundraising event in Washoe County.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS SEL partnerships fundraising human and financial resource alignment communications

Austin ISD SEL Communications Plan

Austin's communications plan uses a variety of approaches to reach internal and external stakeholders to grow awareness around SEL and strengthen it as a priority.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS media relations communications community relations district SEL expertise family and community engagement

SEL in El Paso (infographic)

El Paso's succinct infographic describes the "Why" for bring SEL to the district.

SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District

TAGS SEL overview communications building buy-in for SEL

Social and Emotional Learning Benefits All Students and Adults (Brochure)

This 4 page booklet from Oakland describes the SEL vision and accomplishments in the district, and includes classroom discussion indicators for the 5 SEL competencies.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL overview communications community relations classroom level building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

Oakland SEL Journey Map (infographic)

This infographic from Oakland presents the district's SEL starting point and vision for transformation.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS equity SEL overview implementation plan communications youth voice

Snapshot of SEL in Washoe County

Washoe's 2 page snapshot flyer defines SEL, summarizes the impact SEL has had in Washoe schools, and describes key SEL implementation priorities.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS fundraising SEL overview implementation plan communications community relations conducting local SEL research building buy-in for SEL family and community engagement

Austin Independent School District SEL Newsletter

Samples of a bilingual newsletter distributed by the SEL department in Austin, including a school spotlight, featured SEL strategy, and family resources.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS parenting reading lists - parents spanish language resources model SEL schools communications community relations family and community engagement

Washoe County SEL Competencies Posters for Secondary Schools

This poster set from Washoe illustrates the 5 SEL competencies (includes I Can statements with advanced language and photos of teens) and includes a summary handout useful for a range of audiences.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS teacher tool social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence SEL overview middle school grades high school grades communications classroom level

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