High School Grades

21-23 of 23 Results
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DRC Documents

Austin’s MAPS Course for Freshmen (video)

MAPS (Methods for Academic and Personal Success) is a credit-bearing course for freshmen at Austin High School and other district high schools to support the transition into high school by teaching students how to organize for success, manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, build and maintain positive relationships, and other critical social and emotional learning and student success skills.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS advisory/homeroom high school grades college and career readiness

Washoe County SEL Competencies Posters for Secondary Schools

This poster set from Washoe illustrates the 5 SEL competencies (includes I Can statements with advanced language and photos of teens) and includes a summary handout useful for a range of audiences.

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS teacher tool social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence SEL overview middle school grades high school grades communications classroom level

Nashville’s Strategic Plan for High Schools

Nashville's 3 year plan for high schools includes strategies, action steps, and yearly goals for leadership, teaching, and curriculum with highlighted connections to social and emotional learning throughout.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS student leadership implementation plan restorative practices high school grades college and career readiness planning integrate with district priorities


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