
Resources that are applicable to or include examples from all grade levels.

21-30 of 36 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Naperville K-12 SEL Standards Rubric

Naperville's rubric descriptors for their SEL standards, articulating beginning, approaching, secure, and exemplary demonstration of each standard.

SOURCE: Naperville Community Unit School District 203

TAGS student assessment SEL standards middle school grades high school grades elementary school grades PK-12

Oakland PK-Adult SEL Standards

Oakland's SEL standards, which have been enhanced to prioritize equity and respect for diversity.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL standards equity culturally responsive PK-12

New Jersey SEL Competencies and Subcompetencies

The State of New Jersey has adopted CASEL's 5 core SEL competencies, and articulates sub-competencies for each in this poster.

SOURCE: New Jersey DOE

TAGS SEL standards PK-12

Nashville K-12 SEL Standards (I Can Statements)

Nashville's "I Can" statements differentiated for each grade K-12, and categorized by the 5 core SEL competencies.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS SEL standards middle school grades high school grades elementary school grades PK-12

CDI District Standards

Links to SEL standards adopted by 9 districts within the Collaborating Districts Initiative.


TAGS SEL standards SEL competence middle school grades high school grades elementary school grades PK-12



Case Study: Oakland Unified School District Process for Developing SEL Standards

Oakland's SEL standards and classroom indicator examples, contextual information on how they were developed and how they are assessed.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL standards board policies implementation support implementation plan PK-12 classroom level



Case Study: Austin Independent School District Process for Developing SEL Standards

SEL standards from Austin and contextual information on how they are used and measured.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS SEL standards board policies middle school grades high school grades elementary school grades PK-12



Case Study: Anchorage Public Schools Process for Developing SEL Standards

SEL standards and a description of Anchorage's process of developing them, piloting their use, and bringing them to scale district-wide.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS SEL standards board policies implementation plan middle school grades high school grades elementary school grades PK-12 planning

Austin K-12 SEL Standards

Austin's SEL standards and student expectations, differentiated by grade band.

SOURCE: Austin Independent School District

TAGS SEL standards SEL competence middle school grades high school grades elementary school grades PK-12

Anchorage PK-12 SEL Standards

Anchorage SEL standards with student-friendly "I" statements for each, based around 4 goals of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social management.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS SEL standards SEL competence PK-12

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