Three Signature Practices

10 Results
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DRC Documents

SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Out of School Time version

Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in before and after school settings.


TAGS three signature practices building community out of school

SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Classroom version

Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in a classroom setting.


TAGS three signature practices building community

SEL 3 Signature Practices: Getting it Down PATT!

Washoe County built this template to help instructors build the 3 signature SEL practices into their lesson plans in meaningful ways, using the framework of Purpose, Alignment, Transparency, and Target (PATT).

SOURCE: Washoe County School District

TAGS three signature practices lesson planning teacher tool

3 Signature Practices for Adults

One-pager handout summarizing the 3 Signature SEL Practices and examples of each, adapted to turn the focus to the way adults interact with one another in the workplace, how they learn, and how to set up the learning environment to maximize engagement and growth.


TAGS three signature practices teacher tool SEL coaching for staff building community professional learning SEL leadership

3 Signature Practices in the Classroom

One-pager handout summarizing the 3 Signature SEL Practices, examples of each, and alignment with SEL competencies and school priorities.


TAGS mindfulness three signature practices teacher tool social awareness self awareness instructional practices building community

SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook

The SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook has been updated and is now online! It includes a growing library of sample practices, supporting research, examples from the field, and templates to help you incorporate the practices skillfully into your context.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration mindfulness three signature practices teacher tool toolkit social awareness self awareness instructional practices building community SEL leadership

SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Adult SEL

Video describing the SEL 3 signature practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in settings with adults, such as a meeting or professional learning.


TAGS PLC mindfulness three signature practices videos self awareness SEL coaching for staff building community professional learning district SEL expertise

Summary – The SEL 3 Signature Practices

One-pager describing and providing examples of 3 signature practices that bring SEL experiences into any learning setting and build a foundation of safety, consistency, and belonging.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english/language arts math social studies arts mindfulness three signature practices teacher tool social awareness self awareness reading lists - staff teacher training advisory/homeroom instructional practices building community

Two Part Debriefing Strategy for Reflection and Application

Guidance for SEL presenters to have participants process their reaction to a learning experience and apply it to their work.


TAGS PLC three signature practices self awareness SEL coaching for staff professional learning



Sample Schoolwide SEL 101 Presentation

This presentation can be adapted and used to introduce SEL to staff, families, and community partners. It gives an overview of what is SEL, why it’s important, and the process for schoolwide SEL. Talking points and activity instructions are provided in the notes section. Also available in Spanish.


TAGS three signature practices staff onboarding SEL overview classroom level culture and climate professional learning district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership

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