Also see the resources section for Align Resources for SEL.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning A benefit-cost analysis of investments in SEL showing that high-quality, research-validated social and emotional learning programs bring a return of $11 for every $1 invested. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
Investing in our Future: Ensuring Student Access to Social and Emotional Learning is a 75-minute webinar on funding SEL featuring, federal, state, and district perspectives. View the webinar at https://youtu.be/AlUyXyzx46Y or download the slides below. SOURCE: CASEL |
Federal funds that can be leveraged to support academic, social, and emotional learning List of federal funding sources across the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which states and districts can leverage to support students’ academic, social, and emotional learning (August 2024) SOURCE: RAND |
This spreadsheet guides you through a 3 step process (1 tab for each step) to compare financial tradeoffs of different implementation strategies, draft your district's SEL budget, and discuss and adjust your budget. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL District Cost Modeling Discussion Guide This discussion guide includes questions to help you analyze and apply the output from the cost estimator (drc.casel.org/cost-estimator) as you refine your SEL budget plan. SOURCE: CASEL |
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DRC Guidance Pages |