Implementation Plan:
An implementation plan uses findings from a needs and resources assessment to develop clear goals, implementation metrics, desired outcomes, and expected timelines for achieving the district’s overall SEL vision.
See also: implementation support
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DRC Resources |
El Paso SEL Implementation Plan El Paso's plan lays out a map for rolling out SEL to Central Office and in all schools over a 6 year period, with differentiated goals and support planned for each of 5 school cohorts. SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
Washoe County School District 3 Year Implementation Plan – Middle School A flow chart from Washoe County School District illustrating the process of schoolwide SEL development over 3 years, with roles for district staff, principal, and SEL Leadership Team members. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Washoe County School District 3 Year Implementation Plan – High School A flow chart from Washoe County School District illustrating the process of schoolwide SEL development over 3 years, with roles for district staff, principal, and SEL Leadership Team members. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Washoe County 3 Year Implementation Plan – Elementary A flow chart from Washoe County illustrating the process of schoolwide SEL development over 3 years, with roles for district staff, principal, and SEL Leadership Team members. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Develop Annual Goals and Action Plan for SEL This tool is designed to help district SEL teams develop goals and an action plan for a single year of districtwide SEL implementation. It builds on a district's shared vision, long-term SEL goals, and SEL implementation roadmap. SOURCE: CASEL |
Thompson School District Strategic Plan Thompson School District in Loveland, Colorado, deeply imbeds SEL throughout their strategic plan, Strive 2025. The plan includes a Portrait of a Graduate, which guides their SEL vision and the development of SEL standards describing what a student should know and be able to do. SOURCE: Thompson School District |
Districtwide SEL Implementation Rubric – Focus Area 1 Build Foundational Support and Plan SOURCE: CASEL |
Austin's strategic plan for districtwide SEL implementation includes core beliefs, the district vision, and 5 key priorities for a three year period. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Nashville’s Strategic Plan for High Schools Nashville's 3 year plan for high schools includes strategies, action steps, and yearly goals for leadership, teaching, and curriculum with highlighted connections to social and emotional learning throughout. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Districtwide SEL Implementation Rubric This rubric helps districts answer the question “Where are we now?” in relation to systemic SEL implementation. CASEL recommends that districts complete this rubric at the beginning and end of each school year to mark progress and update their action plan for the coming year. SOURCE: CASEL |