Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning A benefit-cost analysis of investments in SEL showing that high-quality, research-validated social and emotional learning programs bring a return of $11 for every $1 invested. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
School Climate Survey Compendia The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments maintains this list of valid and reliable surveys, assessments, and scales of school climate. SOURCE: National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments |
School-Family Partnership Strategies to Enhance Children’s Social, Emotional, and Academic Growth This brief provides educators with strategies and examples to build and nurture successful school-family partnerships and create an engaging and supportive climate for learning in school and at home. SOURCE: CASEL |
Austin's strategic plan for districtwide SEL implementation includes core beliefs, the district vision, and 5 key priorities for a three year period. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Oakland SEL Journey Map (infographic) This infographic from Oakland presents the district's SEL starting point and vision for transformation. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Austin ISD SEL Communications Plan Austin's communications plan uses a variety of approaches to reach internal and external stakeholders to grow awareness around SEL and strengthen it as a priority. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Coordinator SEL Parent Outreach Job Description El Paso's job posting for a coordinator for SEL-focused family outreach, including key knowledge, skills, and responsibilities. SOURCE: El Paso Independent School District |
Assistant Superintendent of SEL Job Description Job description for Assistant Superintendent of SEL and Wellness, which also oversees a range of student support services including health and counseling. SOURCE: Boston Public Schools |
SEL Coordinator Job Description Job description and requirements for an SEL Coordinator role that works closely with the Department of Teaching and Learning. SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools |
SEL Mindfulness Coach Job Description Job description for Austin's mindfulness coach SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |