Conducting Local SEL Research:
Resources showing how district teams have collected data internally to inform planning.
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DRC Resources |
Oakland’s SEL Standards and Student Report Card Introduction – Part 2 (Video) Video from Oakland to help teachers complete the SEL part of the report card for each student. Focus is on assessing students equitably and in a strengths-based way. For the 2nd marking period, teachers completed the section on self-awareness and social awareness. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Teacher Interview: Why debrief at the end of an SEL lesson? (video) A teacher describes how she sets aside time for students to process and debrief a class activity in order so students recognize that they're developing social and emotional skills. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
Oakland's video on how SEL is integrated with and enhances academic learning. A teacher describes her class' morning routine, students share, and the teacher models reflection for the class. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Districtwide SEL Needs and Resources Assessment Before, during, or after completing the Districtwide SEL Implementation Rubric, use this template as note-taking space to examine existing needs and resources around SEL implementation. SOURCE: CASEL |
Strengths and Needs Inventory: Vision, Priority, and SEL Alignment This initial activity walks your team through a high-level inventory of your district’s social and emotional learning (SEL) strengths and needs. The goal is to obtain clarity about your district’s long-term vision, current district priorities and how SEL aligns with them. SOURCE: CASEL |
Fund Development Webinar for SEL Leads: Slides Slides handout accompanying CASEL's webinar about pursuing foundation/philanthropic funding for SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Recommended Readings for Staff Recommended Readings for staff development. Topics include Introducing the Importance of SEL, SEL and Equity, SEL and Academic Integration, Restorative Practices, Adult SEL, and Partnering with Families for SEL. |
Minneapolis Public Schools developed a set of posters describing how adults exercise social and emotional skills in 5 core areas. SOURCE: Minneapolis Public Schools |
Washoe County SEL Standards – Language for Primary Grades Washoe County School District adapted their SEL standards to make them more accessible in early childhood settings. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
When fully implemented, schoolwide SEL contributes to more successful and equitable outcomes for young people, and is evidenced by the following indicators. SOURCE: CASEL |