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DRC Resources |
This example comes from a school division in southeastern Virginia. These key messages and supporting points can be used by classroom teachers to describe how and why they integrate SEL into their classroom, or can be shared as a summary with classroom teachers as the basis for staff discussion. |
SEL Skills Continuum, Adult and PreK-12 This example from a school division in southeastern Virginia includes "I can" statements to describe skills within each of the 5 SEL competency areas. Separate lists for adults, PreK, K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-10, and 11-12 show how social and emotional skills are developmental and are expressed differently over time. |
SEL Action Guide – District Professional Learning Offerings This example from a school division in southeastern Virginia shows how they planned and provided professional learning for all district staff to strengthen understanding and investment, and later build skills, collaborate, and apply SEL in their context. The original version of this document included links for their staff to sign up for in-person learning or experience an online module. |
Oregon’s Transformative Social and Emotional Learning Framework & Standards Oregon's Transformative SEL Framework and Standards provide intentional focus on the social and emotional elements of learning, teaching, and cultivating affirming school culture through a transformative approach. SOURCE: Oregon DOE |
Systems-Wide Reflection: Indicators of Schoolwide and Districtwide SEL This chart sets CASEL’s Indicators of Districtwide SEL and Indicators of Schoolwide SEL side by side, with links to further information, suggested implementation processes, and examples. District leaders can use this tool to guide reflection, conversation, and planning about how social and emotional learning (SEL) is integrated throughout systems at the school level and at the district level. SOURCE: CASEL |