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DRC Resources |
This tool from CASEL's Guide to Schoolwide SEL provides questions to help the SEL team think intentionally about how to fully partner with OST providers to promote SEL. SOURCE: CASEL |
Integrating Social and Emotional Learning and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics A brief from the University of Texas Charles A. Dana Center outlines how the CCSS for Mathematical Practice and SEL are inextricably linked, and includes an appendix that crosswalks the standards with SEL competencies. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
Oakland Academic Social Emotional Learning Guidance Document Oakland's guidance document for school leaders describes the district's mission, vision, and tools for measuring success and describes how SEL is part of instructional priorities and multi-tiered systems of support. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Nashville’s SEL Multi-Tiered Systems of Support 1 pager showing specific programs, supports, and interventions that support students at all 3 levels of MTSS. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Primer on the interconnections of social and emotional development and ambitious academic goals in achieving college and career readiness. Includes examples of how SEL is relevant in ELA, Math, and Science and recommendations for action. SOURCE: The Aspen Institute |
Planning Engaging, SEL-Infused Professional Learning CASEL has shared this planning template with breakout session presenters at CASEL-coordinated events to ensure that presentations are objective driven, evidence-based, action-oriented, and use techniques that activate social and emotional skills. SOURCE: CASEL |
Promoting SEL in the Middle and High School Years This brief from Pennsylvania State University reviews the current landscape of universal school-based programs designed to promote social and emotional growth in middle and high school students through skill-focused programs, academic integration, teaching practices, and organizational reform. SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution |
Convening a Cross-Functional Advisory Council for SEL: Resources, Best Practices, and Suggestions Key considerations for districts as they build a council consisting of members from different organizations and departments to align social and emotional learning between in-school and out-of-school time settings. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Learning in the Daily Life of Classrooms Facilitator guide and materials for a 6 hour session aimed at state and district leaders, outlining ways to integrate an SEL emphasis into policy and planning, draw connections between SEL and instructional priorities, and support school leaders to guide teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices and SEL competencies. SOURCE: AIR |
Micro SEL 3 Signature Practices – For Everyone, Every Day One-pager handout describing how to apply the principles of the 3 signature practices in brief ways to create positive and productive relationships throughout the day with everyone you |