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DRC Resources |
This research brief describes 10 teaching practices that promote SEL, and highlights how these practices are promoted in the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks. SOURCE: AIR |
Schoolwide Observation Tool for Climate, Classroom Management, and Instruction Washoe County's 1 page tool for recording observations about how SEL is present in the school and classroom environment, instruction, and interactions, and a sample activity for debriefing observations in a circle setting. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Edutopia’s How Learning Happens Video Series Videos that combine the science of brain development and real examples of practices explicitly designed to integrate social & emotional skills in classrooms and schoolwide settings, including trauma-informed practices, co-developed class norms, Socratic circles, makerspaces, student-led conferences and more. SOURCE: Edutopia |
Addendum to the Student Code of Conduct: Guidelines for Effective Discipline Chicago's resource to support schools in implementing the Student Code of Conduct, complete with flow charts, scenarios, and recommended interventions founded on SEL and restorative approaches. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Social and Emotional Skills for Life and Career: Policy Levers that Focus on the Whole Child This Policy Snapshot identifies 4 main categories of state and district policy considerations for integrating SEL and preparing teachers and administrators to focus on the whole child. SOURCE: AIR |
Washoe County Student Data Summits Washoe's Student-led Data Symposiums bring high interest district data to students for analysis, problem-solving, and taking action. The 2016 event covered school climate & SEL, poverty, and CTE programs. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into State and District Policies Powerpoint and webinar covering how districts have incorporated SEL through curriculum and standards. SOURCE: AIR |
Use this worksheet to help develop a districtwide vision that helps establish SEL as integral to high-quality education, and will serve as the basis for the district's SEL goals, plans, allocation of resources, and continuous improvement. SOURCE: CASEL |
3 Signature Practices for Adults One-pager handout summarizing the 3 Signature SEL Practices and examples of each, adapted to turn the focus to the way adults interact with one another in the workplace, how they learn, and how to set up the learning environment to maximize engagement and growth. SOURCE: CASEL |
The Effects of Program Implementation and Longevity This research brief from the Austin ISD Department of Research and Evaluation examines the question -- Do outcomes associated with SEL programming improve with time? Is there a difference in outcomes between schools that have been implementing for 4+ years compared with schools that are newer to SEL? SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |