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DRC Resources |
This strengths inventory will help a school-based SEL team determine which strategies are being used at all levels of schoolwide SEL: SEL curriculum & instruction, schoolwide practice & policies, and family & community-level partnerships. SOURCE: CASEL |
Standards Development Steering Committee Agenda CASEL's sample agenda for a district-level meeting to introduce the project of developing district SEL standards. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Learning Practices: A Self-Reflection Tool for Afterschool Staff Part of AIR's Beyond the Bell series, this tool aimed at out-of-school time staff includes reflections on social practices, program implementation practices, and personal SEL competencies, built upon the framework of 10 practices that promote social and emotional learning. SOURCE: AIR |
Are You Ready to Assess Social and Emotional Development? Toolkit from AIR providing key background information about SEL assessment to weigh risks and benefits, a decision tree, and a comprehensive index of validated tools for measuring SEL outcomes. SOURCE: AIR |
Making Use of Existing Outcome Data Suggested sources for using data your district already collects to monitor progress and outcomes of SEL, with reflection questions. SOURCE: CASEL |
Raising Caring, Confident, Capable Children (brochure) Brochure for parents and caregivers providing an overview of SEL, 10 practices to use at home to foster SEL, and ideas for engaging with the school's SEL initiatives. SOURCE: Illinois DOE |
Tennessee guide showing how SEL is intertwined with existing initiatives and their teacher evaluation and development system. Reviews 10 teaching practices that promote SEL skills with videos, look-fors, and discussion prompts. SOURCE: Tennessee DOE |
Campus Visits and Learning Walk Protocols (Austin) Guidelines for SEL coaches when they conduct supportive visits and a protocol for Learning Walks, shared with visitors and campuses so they know what to expect and what support is available to them. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Demonstration Sites Walkthrough Tool (Sacramento) Tool used to make notes about SEL integration into the schoolwide environment, classroom environment, and instruction. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
From CASEL's Measuring SEL practitioner resources, this page provides details and examples of how districts have used SEL data from formative or summative assessment for continuous improvement. SOURCE: CASEL |