Continuous Improvement:
A deliberate and structured process to address problems or improve outcomes. This involves collecting and using implementation and outcome data to improve all SEL-related systems, practices, and policies with a focus on equity.
Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Districtwide SEL Implementation Rubric This rubric helps districts answer the question “Where are we now?” in relation to systemic SEL implementation. CASEL recommends that districts complete this rubric at the beginning and end of each school year to mark progress and update their action plan for the coming year. SOURCE: CASEL |
Practices of Promise: Youth Voice in Washoe County School District, Nevada This case example offers a glimpse into WCSD’s process of creating structures to elevate and listen to students, before and through the pandemic. SOURCE: CASEL |
Establish Norms for Data-Informed Conversations This tool includes ways for facilitators to establish a space for safe and productive collaboration and recommended norms to ensure that the conversation is inclusive of all voices and results in concrete next steps. SOURCE: CASEL |
Student Voice Resources from Chicago Chicago Public Schools Department of Student Voice and Engagement shares resources for district schools to elevate student voice, learn from students, and build stronger student-adult partnerships. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
From EdTrust, this guide offers essential questions to consider when considering how a SEAD assessment fits your local context and purpose, and applies these questions to 11 commonly used assessments (most of which are open-access). SOURCE: EdTrust |
American Institutes for Research Conditions for Learning Survey Contact information to use this no-cost survey, appropriate for grades 2-12. It gathers students' views on climate, support, challenge and expectations, and social and emotional skills. SOURCE: AIR |
School Climate Survey Compendia The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments maintains this list of valid and reliable surveys, assessments, and scales of school climate. SOURCE: National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments |
Washoe County’s 17 Item Student Social and Emotional Competency Self Report Summary of the process of developing a 17 item student self-assessment of SEL used in Washoe, including the use of student focus groups, with results and connection to achievement and behavior outcomes. Item text is included. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
U.S. DOE School Climate Surveys and web-based platform This adaptable survey and web-based platforms allows states and districts to collect and act on validated school climate data in real time, and can be downloaded and administered at no cost. SOURCE: United States DOE |
Are You Ready to Assess Social and Emotional Development? Toolkit from AIR providing key background information about SEL assessment to weigh risks and benefits, a decision tree, and a comprehensive index of validated tools for measuring SEL outcomes. SOURCE: AIR |