Title | Document Type | |
DRC Resources |
Cleveland’s Conditions for Districtwide Learning Summary Report Cleveland's district-level report on the Conditions for Learning Survey, broken down by grade level, race, language, disability, and sex. SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District |
Student Voice and Data Summits: Continuous Improvement in Washoe County Presentation describing the purpose and format of Student-led Data Summits in Washoe County, with highly valuable advice from those who have helped organize them. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Recommendations for convening a team, working together to analyze data, and making decisions about how to share data. SOURCE: CASEL |
Recommendations for assembling process data, reflecting on and interpreting the data, and using it to plan. SOURCE: CASEL |
Recommendations for organizing data, identifying trends, and making data-informed adaptations to practice. SOURCE: CASEL |
Austin Superintendent discusses achievement gaps, social-emotional learning This short article shows how Austin's Superintendent focused on SEL in his State of the District address. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
The Tennessee DOE's training modules include powerpoint presentations, facilitator guides, and handouts on student-centered discipline, teacher language, cooperative learning, classroom discussions, and balanced instruction. SOURCE: Tennessee DOE |
Reducing Disproportionate Discipline Referrals with Positive School Wide Engagement Plans Minneapolis Public Schools conducted a review of SEL-related strategies within schools' Positive Schoolwide Engagement Plans, which is a requirement of all schools that is part of the district's agreement with the Office of Civil Rights to reduce racial disproportionality in school discipline. SOURCE: Minneapolis Public Schools |
Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time Settings Brief from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Wallace Foundation providing guidelines and considerations for adapting leading SEL programs to out-of-school settings. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
Metro Nashville Public Schools Organizational Structure See page 13 of MNPS' organizational chart, showing how SEL is situated within the Office of Student Services and School Operations, alongside extended learning, student health, counseling, and discipline teams. The SEL team also encompasses restorative practices. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |