Social Awareness:
The ability to understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
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DRC Resources |
El Aprendizaje Emocional Social en Dallas ISD (video) Spanish version of Dallas' video 'Social Emotional Learning in Action at Dallas ISD schools.' SOURCE: Dallas Independent School District |
This article makes the case for shifting the national focus from bullying prevention to the systemic integration of evidence-based practices of social and emotional learning into school programs and policies. The authors explain the limitations of bullying prevention and intervention programs and present the case that proactive SEL for adults and students can be more effective in decreasing bullying. SOURCE: Research Journal |
Preparing Teachers to Support Social and Emotional Learning This case study of a university-school partnership offers information on how preservice and in-service teacher training can support SEL implementation and integration with teaching practices. Includes a helpful infographic on classroom practices that promote SEL, and implications for teacher training, schools, and policymakers. SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute |
Social and Emotional Learning in the Daily Life of Classrooms Facilitator guide and materials for a 6 hour session aimed at state and district leaders, outlining ways to integrate an SEL emphasis into policy and planning, draw connections between SEL and instructional priorities, and support school leaders to guide teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices and SEL competencies. SOURCE: AIR |
What is Social and Emotional Learning? (video) From CASEL and school district leadership, this video conceptualizes social and emotional learning and describes what it looks, feels and sounds like in educational spaces. SOURCE: CASEL |
This toolkit is designed to help schools and districts leverage social media channels to amplify SEL messages, and includes sample Facebook and Twitter posts, calendars to help schedule posts, and shareable graphics. SOURCE: Collaborative Communications |
The guide provides practical advice, curated resources, and action steps for school leaders to improve the student experience, calling out specific equity implications in every section to give these issues priority in planning. SOURCE: The Aspen Institute |
This report details the study of partnerships between schools and out of school time partners working together to implement SEL in a coordinated way, organizing lessons learned into 4 main categories: system-level launch activities, developing partnerships, developing adults' capacity to promote SEL, and improving climate and delivering SEL instruction. SOURCE: Wallace Foundation |
What is Social and Emotional Learning? (video) What is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)? CASEL defined the term more than 25 years ago and is joined by educators, students, parents, and community leaders to help answer that question. SOURCE: CASEL |
This report outlines lessons from six communities that have focused on SEL partnerships between schools and out-of-school time community partner organizations. Detailed case examples feature collaborative projects on a variety of SEL topics in Boston, Dallas, Denver, Palm Beach County, Tacoma, and Tulsa. SOURCE: RAND |