Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Resources |
Funding Case Study: Chicago Public Schools CASEL's case study of Chicago describes funding sources for their SEL work, budget strategies that other districts can apply, and tables and graphs of SEL expenditures. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Funding Case Study: Washoe County School District CASEL's case study of Washoe County School District describes funding sources for their SEL work, budget strategies that other districts can apply, and tables and graphs of SEL expenditures. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Funding Case Study: Wheaton-Warrenville Community Unit School District 200 CASEL's case study of Wheaton-Warrenville describes funding sources for their SEL work, budget strategies that other districts can apply, and tables and graphs of SEL expenditures. SOURCE: Wheaton-Warrenville Community Unit School District 200 |
Funding Case Study: Austin Independent School District CASEL's case study of Austin describes funding sources for their SEL work, budget strategies that other districts can apply, and tables and graphs of SEL expenditures. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning With Evidence-Based Programs Annie E. Casey Foundation guide for funding evidence-based SEL programs, for district administrators, funding partners, and providers. Includes real examples/ strategies for funding, implementing, and sustaining. SOURCE: Annie E. Casey Foundation |
Washoe County Student Data Summits Washoe's Student-led Data Symposiums bring high interest district data to students for analysis, problem-solving, and taking action. The 2016 event covered school climate & SEL, poverty, and CTE programs. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Oakland School Board Policy on SEL Policy stating that SEL underlies all district priorities in Oakland, and intent to implement SEL standards, change the mission statement, provide PD, adopt curricula, and measure SEL growth. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (English) Video describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (Spanish) Video in Spanish describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
Bilingual Parent/Community Introduction to SEL Una Introducción al Aprendizaje Social y Emocional is CASEL's free online course that describes the basics of what SEL is and isn't, and includes reflective activities about how SEL comes into play in daily life and interactions with young people. This works well for families, community partners, or staff members who speak Spanish. SOURCE: CASEL |