Board Policies

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DRC Documents

SEL Toolkit for School Boards

A quick guide for school board members to help ground SEL conversations in the best interests of students and families, including tools to dispel misinformation with facts and data, then take action to support the social, emotional, and academic learning of every child.


TAGS school board board policies community relations

Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into State and District Policies

Powerpoint and webinar covering how districts have incorporated SEL through curriculum and standards.


TAGS school board SEL standards board policies integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

SEL Administrator Academy: Implementing Social and Emotional Learning Systemwide to Improve Student Achievement

Presentation for district and school administrators to connect SEL standards with Common Core and workforce skills and how to implement/monitor district-wide SEL. Includes activities that model SEL and a full presenter script.


TAGS board policies SEL overview implementation plan college and career readiness professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership

Encouraging Social and Emotional Learning: Next Steps for States

This brief from the Learning Policy Institute provides recommendations for how state agencies can measure and promote SEL in their accountability and continuous improvement plans.

SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute

TAGS school board board policies research brief assessment continuous improvement integrate with district priorities

Oakland’s Teacher Growth and Development System

Oakland's teacher evaluation and growth framework includes goals around equity, classroom community, growth mindset, culturally responsive teaching, student collaboration/communication/& choice.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS teacher evaluation board policies human and financial resource alignment equity instructional practices classroom level integrate with district priorities

Oakland’s Leadership Growth and Development System Principal Handbook

Handbook detailing each dimension of the principal evaluation framework, with categories including "Leadership for Healthy Relationships and Culture" and "Leadership for Equity".

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS board policies human and financial resource alignment equity culture and climate integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

Social and Emotional Skills for Life and Career: Policy Levers that Focus on the Whole Child

This Policy Snapshot identifies 4 main categories of state and district policy considerations for integrating SEL and preparing teachers and administrators to focus on the whole child.


TAGS school board SEL standards board policies research brief integrate with district priorities SEL leadership

Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct Revisions, 2014

Presentation for the Chicago BOE summarizing the context, stakeholder engagement, and professional development plan surrounding the changes to the Student Code of Conduct.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS classroom management alternatives to suspension school board anti-bias board policies equity restorative practices continuous improvement student discipline

Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct

Chicago's Student Code of Conduct was revised to place a greater emphasis on restorative practices, reduce the length of suspensions, eliminate suspension as an option for low-level behaviors and PreK-2nd grade students, and adjust terms to reduce racial bias and subjectivity.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS bullying prevention alternatives to suspension school board board policies restorative practices PK-12 student discipline

SPARK Approach to Positive School Climate

Guide and toolkit for Sacramento's comprehensive school climate model which intertwines principles of restorative disciplinary practices, social and emotional learning, and PBIS. Includes details on school teaming and training.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS PBIS alternatives to suspension anti-bias board policies toolkit relationship skills SEL coaching for staff equity implementation plan restorative practices culture and climate building community student discipline youth voice

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