Building Community

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DRC Documents

SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Out of School Time version

Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in before and after school settings.


TAGS three signature practices building community out of school

SEL 3 Signature Practices introductory video – Classroom version

Video describing the SEL 3 Signature Practices (welcoming inclusion activity, engaging practices, and optimistic closure) and how to use them in a classroom setting.


TAGS three signature practices building community

SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook

The SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook has been updated and is now online! It includes a growing library of sample practices, supporting research, examples from the field, and templates to help you incorporate the practices skillfully into your context.


TAGS SEL and Academic Integration mindfulness three signature practices teacher tool toolkit social awareness self awareness instructional practices building community SEL leadership

Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A Tool for Teachers

A tool for teachers to assess how they using SEL in their interactions and teaching practices, and a crosswalk between 10 teaching practices that promote SEL and the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks.

TAGS Adult SEL mindfulness lesson planning teacher tool social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence teacher training continuous improvement PK-12 instructional practices classroom level building community student discipline

Equity & Social and Emotional Learning: A Cultural Analysis

Brief outlining how CASEL's core SEL competencies reflect issues of equity, programs and practices that promote educational equity, and implications for SEL assessment.

SOURCE: Assessment Work Group

TAGS cultural competence anti-bias social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making equity culturally responsive building community

Toward Transformative Social and Emotional Learning: Using an Equity Lens

This brief explores the need to conceptualize, implement, and assess SEL in a way that is sensitive to students' cultural assets and recognizes their inherent strengths, and describes promising school practices and implications for ethical assessment of SEL.

SOURCE: Assessment Work Group

TAGS Adult SEL anti-bias social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence equity culturally responsive instructional practices building community

A Case for School Connectedness

Short article from Educational Leadership describing the impact of strong school connectedness on academic achievement, behavior, absenteeism, and school completion, as well as and practices that enhance it.

SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter

TAGS bullying prevention mental health journal article relationship skills research brief advisory/homeroom middle school grades high school grades culture and climate building community integrate with district priorities

Teaching Restorative Practices with Classroom Circles

San Francisco's guide focused on the use of Circles as a proactive measure to build trust and community in a classroom. Includes sample activities and lesson plans for introducing students to restorative practices.

SOURCE: San Francisco Unified School District

TAGS teacher tool toolkit reading lists - staff culturally responsive teacher training restorative practices advisory/homeroom instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community professional learning youth voice

Cleveland Classroom Meetings resource page

Classroom Meetings in Cleveland are used daily for community building and classroom level problem-solving and decision-making. This resource page has activities, best practices, handouts, samples that show integration with academic content, and other tools to help plan a larger scale rollout of class meetings.

SOURCE: Cleveland Metropolitan School District

TAGS teacher tool toolkit advisory/homeroom middle school grades high school grades instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community youth voice

Building Trusting Relationships for School Improvement – Implications for Principals and Teachers

This booklet looks at the importance of trust in school improvement, particularly regarding relationships between teachers and between teachers and administrators. It includes case studies in middle and high schools, a review of relevant research, common obstacles to trust, and actionable strategies for strengthening trust.

SOURCE: Northwest REL

TAGS Adult SEL building community

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