
Resources directly related to fundraising, plus additional materials to help familiarize funders and decision-makers with your district’s SEL work.

1-10 of 18 Results
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DRC Documents

Funding Streams for SEL

Investing in our Future: Ensuring Student Access to Social and Emotional Learning is a 75-minute webinar on funding SEL featuring, federal, state, and district perspectives. View the webinar at or download the slides below.


TAGS budgeting fundraising human and financial resource alignment

Fund Development Webinar for SEL Leads: Slides

Slides handout accompanying CASEL's webinar about pursuing foundation/philanthropic funding for SEL.


TAGS SEL partnerships fundraising human and financial resource alignment planning

Fund Development Webinar for SEL Leads

SEL Leads and foundation representatives participate in CASEL's webinar about current foundation-funded projects and strategies. Learn 6 steps for pursuing foundation/philanthropic funding.


TAGS SEL partnerships fundraising human and financial resource alignment planning SEL leadership

Sacramento SEL Board Training

Sacramento's presentation to the Board, sharing evidence of effectiveness of SEL implementation at pilot sites.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS school board budgeting fundraising SEL overview implementation plan college and career readiness professional learning integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise

The Case for SEL sample presentation

CASEL's presentation introducing SEL and its evidence base can be adapted for a range of audiences, including district leaders and potential community partners or funders.


TAGS fundraising research brief SEL overview communications community relations college and career readiness integrate with district priorities district SEL expertise

The Grantsmanship Center: State Grant Resources

A map of grants that are currently open for application, lists of state funding resources and other helpful organizations in all states.

SOURCE: External website

TAGS budgeting SEL partnerships fundraising

The Economic Value of Social and Emotional Learning

A benefit-cost analysis of investments in SEL showing that high-quality, research-validated social and emotional learning programs bring a return of $11 for every $1 invested.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS budgeting fundraising human and financial resource alignment evidence-based programs college and career readiness building buy-in for SEL

Supporting Social-Emotional Learning With Evidence-Based Programs

Annie E. Casey Foundation guide for funding evidence-based SEL programs, for district administrators, funding partners, and providers. Includes real examples/ strategies for funding, implementing, and sustaining.

SOURCE: Annie E. Casey Foundation

TAGS budgeting implementation support SEL partnerships fundraising implementation plan evidence-based programs SEL leadership

SEL Professional Learning Conference – Nashville

Program packet from Nashville's annual SEL conference, including conference agenda, workshop descriptions, presenter bios, and sponsor information.

SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools

TAGS trauma fundraising teacher training instructional practices professional learning district SEL expertise

Sample Fundraising Event Invite with Outside Expert

Poster created for a fundraising event in Atlanta

SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools

TAGS SEL partnerships fundraising human and financial resource alignment communications

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