SEL Competence

1-10 of 49 Results
Title Document Type

DRC Documents

Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A Tool for Teachers

A tool for teachers to assess how they using SEL in their interactions and teaching practices, and a crosswalk between 10 teaching practices that promote SEL and the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks.

TAGS Adult SEL mindfulness lesson planning teacher tool social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence teacher training continuous improvement PK-12 instructional practices classroom level building community student discipline

Personal SEL Reflection

Principals, administrators, SEL team members, staff members, and other adults can use this tool to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence.


TAGS Adult SEL paraprofessionals security staff staff onboarding teacher tool SEL competence teacher training professional learning district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL SEL leadership



Toward Transformative Social and Emotional Learning: Using an Equity Lens

This brief explores the need to conceptualize, implement, and assess SEL in a way that is sensitive to students' cultural assets and recognizes their inherent strengths, and describes promising school practices and implications for ethical assessment of SEL.

SOURCE: Assessment Work Group

TAGS Adult SEL anti-bias social awareness self awareness self management relationship skills responsible decision making SEL competence equity culturally responsive instructional practices building community

The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions

Meta-analysis showing that compared to controls, participants in school-based SEL programs demonstrated improved skills and an 11 percentile point gain in achievement.

SOURCE: Research Journal

TAGS journal article reading lists - staff SEL competence evidence-based programs district SEL expertise building buy-in for SEL

Applying an Equity Lens to Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

This issue brief describes 5 major barriers to equitable access to social emotional learning and positive life outcomes, and corresponding opportunities for districts to to dismantle those barriers by approaching SEL in ways that are grounded in equity and justice.

SOURCE: University/Nonprofit Research Institution

TAGS cultural competence anti-bias trauma board policies SEL competence research brief equity student discipline

Why We Can’t Have Social and Emotional Learning without Equity

Blog post from Dr. Robert Jagers discussing the "equity elaborations" to current SEL frameworks and the aims of CASEL's Equity Work Group.

SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter

TAGS cultural competence anti-bias SEL competence equity culturally responsive

Responsible Decision Making (video)

CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of responsible decision making. Children can make responsible decisions by developing the ability to analyze a situation, understand its ethical implications, and evaluate the consequences. Parents and educators can help students learn to think through all parts of a problem and encourage them to make decisions on their own.

SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC

TAGS videos responsible decision making SEL competence communications

Relationship Skills (video)

CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of relationship skills. Communication, cooperation and the ability to successfully resolve conflicts are key to successful relationships. Educators can help students develop these skills by working together in groups and discussing roles. Parents can support their children by spending time with them and encouraging communication.

SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC

TAGS videos relationship skills SEL competence communications

Social Awareness (video)

CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of social awareness. Children can develop social awareness and learn empathy by putting themselves in another's shoes. Tips for parents include helping children to recognize emotions, appreciate diversity and show respect for others.

SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC

TAGS videos social awareness SEL competence communications

Self Management (video)

CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of self management. Students can learn to manage their feelings and turn them into positive actions. Adults can help by creating a calm and regulated environment, showing how to manage impulses, and discussing ways to resolve conflicts.

SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC

TAGS videos self management SEL competence communications

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