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DRC Documents |
3 part tool to guide a school staff or district team to identify current instructional practices that support social and emotional development, and then learn about, prioritize, and plan to incorporate additional strategies. SOURCE: CASEL |
Bilingual Parent/Community Introduction to SEL Una Introducción al Aprendizaje Social y Emocional is CASEL's free online course that describes the basics of what SEL is and isn't, and includes reflective activities about how SEL comes into play in daily life and interactions with young people. This works well for families, community partners, or staff members who speak Spanish. SOURCE: CASEL |
Social and Emotional Learning Practices: A Self-Reflection Tool for Afterschool Staff Part of AIR's Beyond the Bell series, this tool aimed at out-of-school time staff includes reflections on social practices, program implementation practices, and personal SEL competencies, built upon the framework of 10 practices that promote social and emotional learning. SOURCE: AIR |
CASEL’s SEL for Parents (Spanish) Video in Spanish describes SEL for a parent audience and provides strategies to bring SEL into the home, aligned with the 5 SEL competencies. Features schools in Chicago and includes interviews with parents and caregivers. SOURCE: CASEL |
Links to SEL standards adopted by 9 districts within the Collaborating Districts Initiative. SOURCE: CASEL |
Developing and Articulating Learning Goals or Competencies for Social and Emotional Learning American Institutes for Research and CASEL teamed up to create this guide for developing SEL standards. Includes a definition of terms and guidance for setting up a writing team and articulating learning goals. SOURCE: AIR |
DuPage County K-8 SEL Standards DuPage County's SEL standards, differentiated for each grade level K-8 and categorized within the 5 core SEL competencies. SOURCE: DuPage County School Districts |
Case Study: Washoe County School District Process for Developing SEL Standards Washoe's process for developing SEL standards, including useful artifacts from the 2 day retreat where they were written by a team of educators. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Four clear ways that SEL standards complement Common Core standards. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Austin's SEL standards and student expectations, differentiated by grade band. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |