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DRC Documents |
CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of self management. Students can learn to manage their feelings and turn them into positive actions. Adults can help by creating a calm and regulated environment, showing how to manage impulses, and discussing ways to resolve conflicts. SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC |
CASEL and the Montgomery County Educational Service Center collaborated on this video to describe the competency of self-awareness. Parents can help children develop self awareness by being honest about their own emotions. Educators can help by teaching the vocabulary of emotions, modeling behavior, and supporting students as they grow in self-awareness. SOURCE: CASEL and the Montgomery County ESC |
Marcus Garvey Elementary: Exemplary Supportive School Chicago Public Schools recognizes schools for systemic SEL implementation through a Supportive Schools Certification process. Marcus Garvey Elementary is one of the schools that has earned the highest certification level, and this video illustrates the ways SEL has been integrated into systems and practices. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
SEL: Creating Safe & Supportive Learning Environments (video) Creating a safe, supportive environment for social and emotional learning (SEL) has been, and remains, a high priority for CASEL. It is inherent in our focus on integrating SEL into all aspects of school and district practice through a systemic approach. SOURCE: CASEL |
Washoe County School District is featured in this video from Edweek, describing the district's process for developing SEL metrics for instructional purposes and growth. SOURCE: Washoe County School District |
Social Emotional Learning in Action at Dallas ISD schools (video) Three schools in Dallas share how they practice Social Emotional Learning in their campuses. SOURCE: Dallas Independent School District |
Atlanta Public Schools SEL video library A collection of videos shared on Atlanta's SEL landing page featuring student voices, representing a range of ages. SOURCE: Atlanta Public Schools |
SEL in Sacramento City USD (video) 5 minute video featuring SEL in action in schools in Sacramento, with footage of classrooms at a range of grade levels and teacher & administrator interviews. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Oakland's video on how SEL is integrated with and enhances academic learning. A teacher describes her class' morning routine, students share, and the teacher models reflection for the class. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Teacher Interview: Why debrief at the end of an SEL lesson? (video) A teacher describes how she sets aside time for students to process and debrief a class activity in order so students recognize that they're developing social and emotional skills. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |