Title | Document Type | |||
DRC Documents |
SEL In Action In A Classroom (Video) 5th grade students and their teacher speak about what SEL means to them and how it plays out in their classroom through everyday practices and interactions. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
Oakland Mills Scholars SEL Integration (Video) A program collaboration between the district and a college that uses teacher collaborative inquiry to understand the intersection of SEL and academic learning. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Teacher Interview: How do Families Respond to SEL? (video) A 5th grade teacher from Anchorage speaks about how she introduces SEL to families, has students share their learning with their families, and hears feedback from families about how they see the impact of SEL at home. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
Oakland’s SEL Standards and Student Report Card Introduction – Part 2 (Video) Video from Oakland to help teachers complete the SEL part of the report card for each student. Focus is on assessing students equitably and in a strengths-based way. For the 2nd marking period, teachers completed the section on self-awareness and social awareness. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Oakland’s SEL Standards and Student Report Card Introduction – Part 1 (Video) Video from Oakland to help teachers complete the SEL part of the report card for each student. Focus is on assessing students equitably and in a strengths-based way. For the 1st marking period, teachers completed the section on self-management and relationship skills. SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District |
Lifting Our Voices – Sacramento City (video) Video featuring high school students telling their stories -- their stressors, ways they know their teachers care, and aspirations for the future. Ends with a challenge to viewers to cultivate spaces where students' stories can be heard. SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District |
Teacher Interview: How Do SEL Skills Come Into Play for You as an Adult? (video) Interview with a teacher in Anchorage reflecting on her own social and emotional development and how she models for her students. SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools |
The Neuroscience of SEL (Video) 20 minute lecture by Richard Davidson on the neuroscience of emotions and emotional response, and how SEL trains and changes the brain. Best for educating SEL leaders or building buy in with audiences looking for a scientific basis for SEL. SOURCE: Edutopia |
Inside Chicago Public Schools: SEL at Marcus Garvey Elementary (video) Video featuring Marcus Garvey Elementary, a K-8 school in Chicago that has been using SEL schoolwide for many years. Includes interviews with a student and teachers at 3 grade levels. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Austin ISD: Social and Emotional Learning Creates a Foundation for Success (Video) This video from Austin shows SEL lessons taking place in a range of elementary classrooms and shares the perspectives of students, teachers, administrators, and district staff on the benefits of SEL. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |