
Anti-bias refers to learning that will help an individual to “actively challenge stereotyping, bias and all forms of discrimination. Anti-bias mastery skills include: understanding the various dimensions of identity; learning and applying basic terms relating to bias and discrimination; increasing understanding of the impact of culture and differences on communication; and recognizing, acknowledging and confronting bullying, bias and discrimination in themselves, others and within institutions.” (Spiegler, 2016)

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DRC Documents

Webinar: Adult SEL and Cultural Competence

Dr. Marisha Humphries, Associate Professor in the department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, joined CASEL partners for a webinar to discuss the importance of social and emotional competence for educators, ways to support adults in strengthening SEL skills, and strategies to become more self aware and reflective about our own social identity, culturally informed emotional expression, and social behaviors and how they impact our relationships and our work in education. See the webinar recording and transcript at


TAGS cultural competence Adult SEL anti-bias equity culturally responsive

The Art of SEL Cards: Reflections with an Equity Lens

The SEL Team in Sacramento City USD created a set of cards, bound with a key ring, to help adults reflect on their mindsets, practices, and ways that they're integrating SEL and equity into academics.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS Adult SEL anti-bias teacher tool equity

Guiding Principles – A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline

These guiding principles from the U.S. Department of Education are organized around concepts of creating positive school climate, providing evidence-based supports, promoting social and emotional learning, providing training on positive engagement with students and equitable practices, and adopting an instructional approach to school discipline.

SOURCE: United States DOE

TAGS alternatives to suspension anti-bias student discipline

Connecting Teacher Efficacy Beliefs in Promoting Resilience to Support for Latino Students

Results of this study suggest that efficacy beliefs related to resilience are linked to building important relationships through connecting with students, building on their experiences and knowledge, and understanding the issues they confront.

SOURCE: Research Journal

TAGS cultural competence Adult SEL anti-bias culturally responsive

Oakland’s SEL Standards and Student Report Card Introduction – Part 2 (Video)

Video from Oakland to help teachers complete the SEL part of the report card for each student. Focus is on assessing students equitably and in a strengths-based way. For the 2nd marking period, teachers completed the section on self-awareness and social awareness.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS student assessment anti-bias SEL standards videos social awareness self awareness equity teacher training

Oakland’s SEL Standards and Student Report Card Introduction – Part 1 (Video)

Video from Oakland to help teachers complete the SEL part of the report card for each student. Focus is on assessing students equitably and in a strengths-based way. For the 1st marking period, teachers completed the section on self-management and relationship skills.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS student assessment anti-bias SEL standards videos self management relationship skills equity teacher training

Lifting Our Voices – Sacramento City (video)

Video featuring high school students telling their stories -- their stressors, ways they know their teachers care, and aspirations for the future. Ends with a challenge to viewers to cultivate spaces where students' stories can be heard.

SOURCE: Sacramento City Unified School District

TAGS anti-bias videos teacher training advisory/homeroom middle school grades high school grades building community youth voice

Boston Public Schools Essentials for Instructional Equity

Outlines 4 adult competencies for facilitating learning for diverse students, and includes an appendix of culturally and linguistically sustaining practices, a learning experience design template, and a parent guide.

SOURCE: Boston Public Schools

TAGS cultural competence anti-bias reading lists - staff equity culturally responsive college and career readiness instructional practices integrate with district priorities

Self-Assessment Checklist – Cultural Competence

This checklist provides examples of the kinds of values and practices that foster an environment that is aware and respectful of cultural diversity, from Georgetown University's National Center for Cultural Competence.

SOURCE: National Association of School Psychologists

TAGS cultural competence anti-bias equity culturally responsive community relations building community

Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct Revisions, 2014

Presentation for the Chicago BOE summarizing the context, stakeholder engagement, and professional development plan surrounding the changes to the Student Code of Conduct.

SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools

TAGS classroom management alternatives to suspension school board anti-bias board policies equity restorative practices continuous improvement student discipline

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