Primer on the interconnections of social and emotional development and ambitious academic goals in achieving college and career readiness. Includes examples of how SEL is relevant in ELA, Math, and Science and recommendations for action.
From CASEL's SEL Trends series, this issue features DuPage County, Nashville, and Sacramento school districts process and strategies for integrating SEL deeply within academic approaches, and includes sample resources from each district.
Oakland's video on how SEL is integrated with and enhances academic learning. A teacher describes her class' morning routine, students share, and the teacher models reflection for the class.
Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 1).
Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 2).
Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 3).
Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 2).
Washoe's training collaboration between SEL and the Core Task Project, where participants learn about the intersections between SEL and the Common Core, specifically English Language Arts and close reading (part 3).
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.
Nashville's chart of academic standards in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies paired with SEL standards, with sample classroom activities to achieve both objectives.