Teacher Training

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DRC Documents

SEL Action Guide – District Professional Learning Offerings

This example from a school division in southeastern Virginia shows how they planned and provided professional learning for all district staff to strengthen understanding and investment, and later build skills, collaborate, and apply SEL in their context. The original version of this document included links for their staff to sign up for in-person learning or experience an online module.

TAGS staff onboarding teacher training professional learning

An Introduction to SEL online course

CASEL's free, one-hour, virtual learning experience includes reflection prompts, videos, and application activities to introduce SEL to staff members, caregivers, community partners, or anyone interested in SEL.


TAGS Adult SEL teacher training communications professional learning

Plan SEL Foundational Learning for your School District

This tool can help SEL leaders prepare a broad plan to provide learning experiences for all stakeholders in the school district community, and access resources to support foundational learning about SEL.


TAGS teacher training professional learning family and community engagement



Case Study Compilation

These eleven vignette-style case studies share how educators may embed SEL into instruction and other interactions with students. The included reflection guide makes this a ready-to-use tool for individual, small, or large group professional learning.

SOURCE: Transforming Education

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration teacher training professional learning

Preparing Teachers to Support Social and Emotional Learning

This case study of a university-school partnership offers information on how preservice and in-service teacher training can support SEL implementation and integration with teaching practices. Includes a helpful infographic on classroom practices that promote SEL, and implications for teacher training, schools, and policymakers.

SOURCE: Learning Policy Institute

TAGS staff onboarding SEL coaching for staff teacher training model SEL schools professional learning

Planning Engaging, SEL-Infused Professional Learning

CASEL has shared this planning template with breakout session presenters at CASEL-coordinated events to ensure that presentations are objective driven, evidence-based, action-oriented, and use techniques that activate social and emotional skills.


TAGS teacher training professional learning



Adult SEL Posters

Minneapolis Public Schools developed a set of posters describing how adults exercise social and emotional skills in 5 core areas.

SOURCE: Minneapolis Public Schools

TAGS Adult SEL SEL competence teacher training

SEL in Practice (video)

Oakland's video on how SEL is integrated with and enhances academic learning. A teacher describes her class' morning routine, students share, and the teacher models reflection for the class.

SOURCE: Oakland Unified School District

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration english/language arts math social studies videos teacher training advisory/homeroom middle school grades elementary school grades instructional practices classroom level building community

Teacher Interview: Why debrief at the end of an SEL lesson? (video)

A teacher describes how she sets aside time for students to process and debrief a class activity in order so students recognize that they're developing social and emotional skills.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration mindfulness videos teacher training model SEL schools elementary school grades instructional practices classroom level

SEL In Action In A Classroom (Video)

5th grade students and their teacher speak about what SEL means to them and how it plays out in their classroom through everyday practices and interactions.

SOURCE: Anchorage Public Schools

TAGS SEL and Academic Integration videos teacher training model SEL schools elementary school grades instructional practices classroom level culture and climate building community youth voice

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