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DRC Resources |
This article makes the case for shifting the national focus from bullying prevention to the systemic integration of evidence-based practices of social and emotional learning into school programs and policies. The authors explain the limitations of bullying prevention and intervention programs and present the case that proactive SEL for adults and students can be more effective in decreasing bullying. SOURCE: Research Journal |
Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct Chicago's Student Code of Conduct was revised to place a greater emphasis on restorative practices, reduce the length of suspensions, eliminate suspension as an option for low-level behaviors and PreK-2nd grade students, and adjust terms to reduce racial bias and subjectivity. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
A Case for School Connectedness Short article from Educational Leadership describing the impact of strong school connectedness on academic achievement, behavior, absenteeism, and school completion, as well as and practices that enhance it. SOURCE: Magazine/Newsletter |
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DRC Guidance Pages |