3 part tool to guide a school staff or district team to identify current instructional practices that support social and emotional development, and then learn about, prioritize, and plan to incorporate additional strategies.
This research brief describes 10 teaching practices that promote SEL, and highlights how these practices are promoted in the CLASS, Danielson, and Marzano teaching frameworks.
Facilitator guide and materials for a 6 hour session aimed at state and district leaders, outlining ways to integrate an SEL emphasis into policy and planning, draw connections between SEL and instructional priorities, and support school leaders to guide teachers to reflect on their own teaching practices and SEL competencies.
A self-reflection tool for teachers to consider ways in which they are already using practices that develop social and emotional skills in their classroom, and to expand their use of SEL integration strategies.
Adapted from CASEL's SEL integration self assessment tool, Oakland's more detailed reflection is organized around areas of SEL competency and has teachers identify their level of practice on a continuum.
Outlines 4 adult competencies for facilitating learning for diverse students, and includes an appendix of culturally and linguistically sustaining practices, a learning experience design template, and a parent guide.
The SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook has been updated and is now online! It includes a growing library of sample practices, supporting research, examples from the field, and templates to help you incorporate the practices skillfully into your context.
Once you have explored the SEL 3 Signature Practices Playbook, this template will help you design new welcoming activities, engaging strategies, and optimistic closings for your learning setting.
One-pager handout describing how to apply the principles of the 3 signature practices in very brief ways. Many more updated resources on the SEL 3 Signature Practices can be found at signaturepractices.casel.org.
One-pager handout summarizing the 3 Signature SEL Practices and examples of each, adapted to turn the focus to the way adults interact with one another in the workplace, how they learn, and how to set up the learning environment to maximize engagement and growth.
One-pager describing and providing examples of 3 signature practices that bring SEL experiences into any learning setting and build a foundation of safety, consistency, and belonging.
San Francisco's guide focused on the use of Circles as a proactive measure to build trust and community in a classroom. Includes sample activities and lesson plans for introducing students to restorative practices.
One-pager describing and providing examples of 3 signature practices that bring SEL experiences into any learning setting and build a foundation of safety, consistency, and belonging.
Part of AIR's Beyond the Bell series, this tool aimed at out-of-school time staff includes reflections on social practices, program implementation practices, and personal SEL competencies, built upon the framework of 10 practices that promote social and emotional learning.