Model SEL Schools:
Schools in which SEL is clearly a priority for all staff and students, where data backs up anecdotal evidence that SEL has impacted the school, and where SEL is well integrated into all facets of the school day. This includes academic instruction, disciplinary approaches, a continuum of supports for students with all levels of need, out-of-school time programming, and exemplary implementation of evidence-based SEL practices. Model SEL schools should be recognized by the district and highlighted in ways that will influence other schools such as site visits, professional learning communities, etc.
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DRC Resources |
Chicago Public Schools' model for how social and emotional learning should be integrated into a multi-tiered system of supports for all students. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Example of a Completed Logic Model Your strategic plan is intended to move your district from its current state to where you want to be. It’s helpful to begin your strategic plan with a logic model to create a clear connection between your implementation strategies and your ultimate goals. This resource shows an example of a completed logic model. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Department and Specialist Logic Model to Improve District SEL Implementation Describes the purpose, goals, and activities of Austin's SEL Specialists -- good tool for a district team that is lobbying for the creation of new SEL-focused positions. SOURCE: Austin Independent School District |
Logic Model Template and Example Your strategic plan is intended to move your district from its current state to where you want to be. It’s helpful to begin your strategic plan with a logic model to create a clear connection between your implementation strategies and your ultimate goals. SOURCE: CASEL |
Metro Nashville Public Schools: Integrating Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (video) Part of Edutopia's larger feature on Nashville, this video provides an overview of the district's approach to supporting all schools to integrate SEL into school culture and instruction. SOURCE: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools |
Inside Chicago Public Schools: SEL at Marcus Garvey Elementary (video) Video featuring Marcus Garvey Elementary, a K-8 school in Chicago that has been using SEL schoolwide for many years. Includes interviews with a student and teachers at 3 grade levels. SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools |
Enacting Social-Emotional Learning: Lessons from “Outlier Schools” in California’s CORE Districts This research brief looks at the commonalities among California middle schools that reported stronger-than-typical social emotional learning outcomes. These 6 characteristics are elaborated into recommendations for school districts supporting SEL at scale. SOURCE: California CORE Districts |
Practices of Promise: Creating a Caring Culture Through SEL in Atlanta Public Schools How can districts weave social and emotional learning throughout their work to foster a systemwide culture of connection and trust? Atlanta Public Schools saw SEL as a key strategy for rebuilding culture and redefining how to pursue desired outcomes. Learn more about their journey and how SEL is a focus in their offices of safety and security and human resources. SOURCE: CASEL |
SEL Partnership between Denver Public Schools and the Denver After-school Alliance 2 page flyer summarizing the plan for infusing evidence-based SEL throughout all grade levels in schools, afterschool, and in summer programs throughout Denver. SOURCE: Denver Public Schools |
This report outlines lessons from six communities that have focused on SEL partnerships between schools and out-of-school time community partner organizations. Detailed case examples feature collaborative projects on a variety of SEL topics in Boston, Dallas, Denver, Palm Beach County, Tacoma, and Tulsa. SOURCE: RAND |